Model ID: eff4abe1-9ef7-4fa3-adb9-2f9cd98be997 Sitecore Context Id: eff4abe1-9ef7-4fa3-adb9-2f9cd98be997;

NTUC May Day Message 2024 by NTUC President K Thanaletchimi and NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng

Model ID: eff4abe1-9ef7-4fa3-adb9-2f9cd98be997 Sitecore Context Id: eff4abe1-9ef7-4fa3-adb9-2f9cd98be997;
30 Apr 2024
Model ID: eff4abe1-9ef7-4fa3-adb9-2f9cd98be997 Sitecore Context Id: eff4abe1-9ef7-4fa3-adb9-2f9cd98be997;

In a world of constant change and uncertainty, the desire for stability is natural, but we must also acknowledge the opportunities that emerge from these evolving challenges.

The industry and employment landscape has undergone a profound transformation, with rapid technological advancements, particularly in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digitalisation. While these developments offer new growth opportunities, they also bring about challenges to the workforce. Machines are now able to analyse data at unprecedented scales and automate tasks that were previously done manually. This shift has undoubtedly impacted our jobs and workplaces, requiring staff to upskill themselves to perform these tasks. Your role in this transformation is crucial, and despite the uncertainty and challenges, NTUC remains committed to ensuring better lives for you as workers and that your voices are heard.

We understand the pressures you face - from inflation and high prices to immediate cost concerns and workforce challenges. There has been a noticeable increase in retrenchments since last year, and we anticipate further cost-related and structural organisational changes this year. Many of you juggle personal and professional responsibilities while navigating a competitive global market. Rest assured, your worries are our worries, and we share your aspirations.

Through our #EveryWorkerMatters Conversations, we have engaged over 42,000 workers, listening to your diverse needs and worries. We care deeply for you and are taking action to support and empower you.

Your Career Growth and Resilience is Our Focus
Our primary focus remains on fostering your career advancement and building resilience as workers. As new, high-value jobs emerge, we are committed to helping you develop the skills needed to excel in these positions. Employers must adapt and transform their businesses by harnessing digital tools and investing in a skilled workforce. We encourage companies to form Company Training Committees (CTC) and tap into available grants to equip workers with the necessary skills.

The positive impact of CTC is evident, with over 200,000 workers benefiting from skills training. The effort has resulted in wage increases for many individuals in the workforce. However, our efforts do not end here. We urge more employers to join us in this transformative journey, where innovation leads to higher productivity and improved wage outcomes

Your Welfare Remains Our Key Concern
We are dedicated to improving your well-being on all fronts. Regardless of your profession, age, or nationality, NTUC will take action for you and with you because we care.

As the number of PMEs in our workforce continues to rise, we assure you that NTUC remains dedicated to advocating for your interests. We are committed to addressing your needs, including career progression, financial security, and personal and mental well- being issues. With our comprehensive services and programmes, we stand ready to assist you in navigating your career journey, enhancing your skills, and adapting to new job opportunities.

No one should be left behind. We will push for better wages for our lower and middle-wage workers and provide assistance to help them cope better with the rising cost of living. This is through various initiatives such as the Progressive Wage Model (PWM), Career Progression Model, and various cost-saving measures implemented by our social enterprises, ensuring that everyone can thrive in our evolving economy.

Platform workers, freelancers, and the self-employed will soon receive the representation and protection you deserve through the upcoming implementation of the new representation framework later this year.

For our youth, we stand as your trusted partner as you explore career opportunities and personal development.

For our women, our C U Back at Work! (CUB) programme will continue to bring women back to work for financial sustainability and retirement adequacy.

We understand the importance of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) and are working with employers to establish more adaptable roles.

To our older workers, we recognise your invaluable contributions and are committed to expanding career opportunities and advocating for increased financial security in retirement.

Your daily needs are equally important to us. Our social enterprises and partners offer affordable products and services to alleviate concerns about rising costs.

Our Commitment to You
At the National Delegates’ Conference in 2023, we pledged to work tirelessly for the betterment of all workers and embody the 4Hs—Heads, Hearts, Hands, and Habit—as our guiding principles. We firmly believe that unity and collective action can bring about meaningful change, even in times of uncertainty. This is why we will continue to work closely with the People’s Action Party Government to champion your interests and support you.

As we celebrate May Day, may we remember our collective strength as a Labour Movement. We thank all our partners—unions, leaders, employers, and government bodies—for their dedication to improving workers’ lives and livelihoods.

In solidarity, we take action because we care. Happy May Day!