Model ID: 8c4fbc75-5c96-48f4-a325-c7a6f1d66130 Sitecore Context Id: 8c4fbc75-5c96-48f4-a325-c7a6f1d66130;

Speak Up for Safety: Spot, Stop and Report!

Workplace safety is a concern for all workers and employers. Find out how we can build a safe work culture. 
Model ID: 8c4fbc75-5c96-48f4-a325-c7a6f1d66130 Sitecore Context Id: 8c4fbc75-5c96-48f4-a325-c7a6f1d66130;
14 Nov 2023
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Model ID: 8c4fbc75-5c96-48f4-a325-c7a6f1d66130 Sitecore Context Id: 8c4fbc75-5c96-48f4-a325-c7a6f1d66130;

Accidents occur when unsafe acts and conditions are not stopped and reported promptly. 


Many of us may have encountered various situations at the workplace but are either concerned about any retaliation after reporting or unaware that they are considered unsafe.


To encourage speaking up for safety, NTUC launched the Spot, Stop and Report! Campaign on 22 September 2023.


Through our campaign, we hope to encourage workers to Spot, Stop and Report any unsafe situations at their workplace and for companies to embrace a strong reporting culture and commit to responding quickly to reports, as we have a part to play in creating a safer workplace.


Steps to Building a Strong Reporting Culture

For Companies

For Individuals

  • Disseminate campaign digital posters
  • Emphasise importance of reporting (in townhalls, meetings)
  • Establish reporting channels
  • Publicise own company’ reporting channel(s)
  • Establish incentive programmes to encourage reporting
  • Commit to swift action to reports
  • Be familiar with your company’s reporting channel(s)
  • Observe if there are unsafe situations in the workplace
  • Do not proceed with/stop any act that seems unsafe
  • Keep yourself and your co-workers away from any unsafe situations.
  • Report situation promptly through company’s reporting channel(s)




Reporting Without Retaliation 

At NTUC, we strongly believe that reporting without retaliation is a fundamental right.


If workers face any retaliation upon reporting or there is no action taken after reporting, the union can assist in resolving the issue. 


Watch the videos below to learn more about how to Spot, Stop and Report.



WSH Jayne’s Video.png



Common Workplace Hazards and How to Spot Them

Identify unsafe situations to stop and report them.
Some unsafe workplace conditions and acts are obvious, but there are those we might not be aware of.



Watch the videos below to know more about identifying common workplace hazards


Here are some examples of unsafe situations, classified by the type of hazards that workers can look for at their workplaces:


WSH Visual table infographic for work safe tips_v1.jpg


Need additional information about reporting unsafe workplace situations? Please find out more in our Frequently Asked Questions or click here to know more about the WSH-related activities and events in NTUC.