Model ID: 9db34152-a975-4433-8efb-e56ff7f75026 Sitecore Context Id: 9db34152-a975-4433-8efb-e56ff7f75026;

e2i creates new pathway

Mid-career professionals now have a new platform to take a leap into the accounting field in the manufacturing sector.
Model ID: 9db34152-a975-4433-8efb-e56ff7f75026 Sitecore Context Id: 9db34152-a975-4433-8efb-e56ff7f75026;
10 Apr 2013
Model ID: 9db34152-a975-4433-8efb-e56ff7f75026 Sitecore Context Id: 9db34152-a975-4433-8efb-e56ff7f75026;

The collaboration between NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) and CPA Australia, with the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) will see the Place-and-Train Accounts & Audit Professionals Programme extended to support the hiring and training of accounts or audit professionals in the manufacturing industry.

Said e2i Chief Executive Officer Gilbert Tan: “The Place-and-Train Accounts & Audit Professionals Programme will benefit companies by attracting and retaining mid-career professionals who are keen to switch into the accounts and audit sector.

“With SMF as a partner, we believe our outreach to manufacturing sector professionals would be amplified, and many would be able to tap on this programme to take on a new direction for their careers.”

e2i will provide participating employers with training allowances and subsidise up to 70 per cent of course fees for successful candidates who are recruited under this programme.

During their training, candidates will enroll in the CPA Programme Foundation Level offered by CPA Australia, which will equip them with the necessary basic accounting knowledge.

It also provides them with a direct pathway to advance to the CPA Programme Professional Level, which will confer the globally-recognised CPA Australia professional accounting designation. Candidates will also undergo six months on-the-job training (OJT) with participating employers.

To date, the Place-and-Train Accounts & Audit Professionals scheme has attracted six employers who intend to recruit Midcareer Professionals in Singapore without accounting work experience or accounting related qualifications.

Through this programme, participating employers commit to offer jobs to successful candidates on a permanent and full-time basis.

The candidates will also have starting salaries of at least $2,000, and receive a basic salary increase of at least 15 per cent upon completion of the programme.

Employers who hire candidates under this programme can apply for training support of up to $8,450 per eligible employee.

Employers who are interested to take that step forward to participate in the programme may contact Ms Yashira Johan at sitiyashira@ or at 6471 9524.
