Youths for a Competitive and Inclusive Singapore (Ycis) Forum Series 2008
6 September 2008
1 Young NTUC will be starting the Youths for a Competitive and Inclusive Singapore (YCiS) Forum Series 2008 this Saturday, 6 September. This follows the successful YCiS Forum Series 2007 series which provided working youths a platform to interact and exchange views on issues that affect Singaporeans' future.
2 The theme for this year - “Singapore Shining” - is set against the backdrop of a potential slowdown in economic growth and continued global inflationary pressures. Learning catalysts will share insights on how Singapore grew its “shining” sectors such as biomedical, tourism and chemicals processing against seemingly impossible odds. The forum will also discuss how Singapore can shine in its efforts to remain an inclusive society by assisting Singaporeans who face difficulties in coping with the fast-changing economic landscape.
3 About 150 participants are expected to attend the opening session on 6 September 2008, the highlight being the dialogue session with NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say. With about 53% of the participants aged below 30, most of them will not have experienced the threat of a severe economic downtown (i.e. Asian Financial Crisis in 1997) in the capacity of a working adult. Therefore, it will be appropriate to re-visit these economic-related issues during the forum.
4 Commenting on the participant profiles and programme line-up, NTUC Assistant Secretary-General and Young NTUC Advisor Mrs Josephine Teo said, “People sometimes worry if our youths have what it takes to help Singapore weather the storms. We'd like to think that they can if we share good stories with them about how Singapore has done it before. The examples they will see and hear through YCiS are all hard-earned successes won through smart thinking and determined action. We hope they will inspire our youths to also shine in terms of their contributions to their families and communities."
5 To facilitate the forum, an SMS system will receive “live” questions during the dialogue and an e-poll will also be conducted in real-time using a wireless voting system to garner immediate responses. The questions polled this year will be deliberately similar to last year’s so that results can be compared to observe changes in mindsets and trends. Please see APPENDIX A for the list of poll questions this year.
6 After the opening session, participants will be invited to go on two learning journeys - one to Jurong Island and the other to a Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO), Pertapis - and a closing dialogue session with Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean on 27 September 2008.
Poll Questions for 2008
Q1 Which would be better for Singapore?
a. To capture the economic opportunities available to Singaporeans through globalisation and find ways to help those who risk being left behind.
b. To accept a slower pace of economic development while we figure out ways to help our less able citizens.
Q2 Should there be a terrorist attack in Singapore, do you think our social cohesion and harmony are strong enough to withstand and respond to the crisis? a. Yes.
b. No.
Q3 In your opinion, which of the following should be the key to Singapore’s social safety net?
a. Self-reliance.
b. State assistance.
Q4 Imagine you are a student who has just finished your studies abroad. Which is your most likely choice with regards to your career pursuit?
a. Live and work abroad while enjoy the lifestyle it offers.
b. Live and work back home to remain close to family and friends.
Q5 If Singapore is not open to foreign manpower, would Singaporeans have less competition and better jobs?
a. Yes.
b. No.
(NEW!) Q6 The Government has recently announced some pro-family measures like the enhanced Marriage & Parenthood package. In your opinion, do you think companies would use it as a means to promote staff morale and retain talents?
a. Yes, they would
b. No, they would not
(NEW!) Q7 Hong Lim Park has been designated as the only place for outdoor protests without any permit. What is your reaction to that?
a. Welcome that
b. Indifference
c. More can be done to allow outdoor protests