With climate and environmental issues high on the agenda internationally, Young NTUC will be rallying Singapore’s youths to campaign for climate change via a series of activities organised by 350 Singapore – the Singapore chapter of the global 350 movement, founded by Young NTUC.
Last year, 350.org, an international environmental organisation, invited youth leaders from countries around the globe to strategise collective actions to be taken in their home countries, as part of a “Global Power Shift”. Since then, 87 national "Power Shift” events have taken place from Europe to Africa, and Singapore’s first – Singapore Power Shift 2014 – is held here from 12 to 13 July 2014.
About 50 youths from Singapore, selected based on their commitment to be involved in projects and readiness to take action, will come together for a two-day workshop to build up climate change knowledge and learn about Singapore’s strategy to address climate change. They will also learn about youth movements around the world and how youths are contributing strategically to their communities. By hearing from local like-minded groups on how they are building up their movements and running successful campaigns, youth participants will develop campaigning skills that are essential to creating sustained impact for their own campaigns. They will then design their own projects, which are aligned to international goals, to raise awareness of the 350 movement.
Five impactful campaigns developed and selected by participants will be implemented and realised in Singapore in the coming 12 months. The core team of about ten 350 Singapore activists and its network of other eco groups in Singapore will be mentoring and supporting the projects actively.
The initiative is part of Young NTUC’s existing efforts to create a greater understanding of environmental issues amongst our youth, and develop “Eco Leaders” to champion for environmental changes in Singapore. In the coming months, the Eco Leaders Programme will also be launched to identify and raise mentors for the Young NTUC ECO Community. These individuals will represent Young NTUC as environmental thought leaders.
Young NTUC also plans to bring together a group of youths as part of a Singapore delegation to attend the pivotal United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Lima, Peru in December 2014.
Steve Tan, Executive Secretary of Young NTUC, said, “In its 2001 assessment of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected that global mean sea level is expected to rise between 9 and 88 centimetres by 2100, with a 'best estimate' of 50 centimetres. As an island nation, such an increase will be disastrous and will be witnessed in our children’s generation. As the largest youth movement in Singapore, Young NTUC understands the anxiety in our youths and hopes to leverage our clout to promote greater understanding and awareness of environmental issues amongst our youth.
“In the process, we hope to bring in more young union leaders who are passionate about championing this cause, to influence discourse, participation and ultimately, policy change in this area.”
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