While it’s easy to imagine what you would like in a job, knowing what you do not want is just as important.
To that end, NTUC’s communities are offering various programmes to help young Singaporeans get a better sense of the different professions out there.
Young NTUC’s Youth Career Network connects final-year students and young workers with volunteer mentors holding full-time day jobs who help them navigate the many career possibilities available.
“We have to reach out and engage them like how a friend or a peer will do. Young adults also prefer to meet someone like them who have gone through the same problems as they have had and are now in a job that they enjoy, and to hear from their real work experiences,” said NTUC Director, Youth Development Unit, Desmond Choo.
For younger students at the secondary level, NTUC’s nEbO has a Work Attachment programme offering short stints. This is intended to give interested students a taste of what working life is like and offer insights on the different industries. Older students keen on a longer work experience can access nEbO’s Jobs On Board portal for part-time and internship positions. Jobs On Board is also open to tertiary students.