20 Mar 2010
Young NTUC, the official youth wing of the Labour Movement, looks at engaging youths through meaningful and purposeful programmes. This is achieved through a framework allowing youths to better themselves, their families, the community and the world.
Run 350 is a programme aimed at allowing Young NTUC members to do something for Singapore and the world. Environmental consciousness has been an important engagement platform for youths and Young NTUC has thus far conducted dialogues and eco-movie screenings. Run 350 is the first programme of this scale organised for Young NTUC members.
Run 350 is organised in support of the Global 350 Movement1. The movement aims to raise awareness of the upper safety limit for carbon dioxide (CO2) to be at 350 ppm (parts per million), the level scientists have identified as critical to allow humanity to continue sustainably. The current CO2 level stands at 389.91 ppm and has remained above the safety limit since early 1988. 4. Guest-of-Honour, NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say will flag off the inaugural run symbolically at 3.50 pm on 20 March 2010 at Pulau Ubin. He will be accompanied by Assistant Secretary-General and Advisor of Young NTUC Mrs Josephine Teo, Mr Wilson Ang of Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore) or ECO Singapore, as well as Professor Leo Tan, Chairman of Garden City Fund.
Some 1,000 Young NTUC members and friends will take to Pulau Ubin to complete either the 5 km or 10 km runs to help raise funds for the Garden City Fund's Plant-A-Tree (PAT) programme.
Launched on 3 November 2007, the PAT programme was conceptualised by the Garden City Fund in partnership with the Singapore Environment Council to provide an avenue for individuals and organisations to do their part for nature through planting of trees at designated areas including parks and nature reserves, including Pulau Ubin. For this reason, Run 350 is held on Pulau Ubin so that our participants know where their trees will be planted at.
Young NTUC has engaged ECO Singapore to help conduct a carbon audit of the event. The audit results will guide the organisers for subsequent follow-up programmes.
“As the Official Green Partner of Run 350, ECO Singapore has been providing advice and support on the best means to minimise the environmental impact of the run and to ensure that the important message it supports is spread effectively. ECO has liaised with Young NTUC to ensure their members are aware of the steps Run 350 is taking to make the run more sustainable, and what the public can do in turn to compliment these efforts. We hope that future events will learn from the example set by Run 350,” said President and Founder of ECO Singapore, Mr. Wilson Ang.
“Young NTUC is proud to be able to organise this run in support of the Global 350 movement. We hope that with Run 350, more people are now aware of the need to minimise our carbon footprints and that no effort is too small,” said Advisor, Young NTUC Mrs Josephine Teo.
All proceeds from Run 350 will be channeled towards the PAT Programme at Pulau Ubin. Young NTUC targets to raise enough funds to plant 350 trees during its 5th Anniversary celebration on 30 April 2010 to commemorate this inaugural run.
"In the face of increasing global concern over climate change, destruction of forests and species extinction, we can make a difference by minimising the negative impact of rising CO2 levels on the earth. Planting trees is an excellent way to reduce such an impact. It provides an opportunity for anyone, as an individual or an organisation, to take action to improve the environment that our future generations will live and play in," said Professor Leo Tan, Chairman of the Garden City Fund.
Young NTUC hopes that participants will appreciate the rustic and natural beauty of the island as they complete their run, and understand what they are running for and helping to preserve. More details may be found on the event's official website: www.run350.com.
Views on Run350 from participants
Felicia Hong, 28, Female, Young NTUC member
Mode of Interview: English- and Chinese-speaking
Participating: 5km
“2010 was designed to be a year to challenge myself. I have always liked running, and my first run for the year was the Singapore Zoo Run. When I learned about Run 350 and being an NTUC member, I was compelled to participate. After all, it seems like a wonderful venue to run at. Running at Pulau Ubin would definitely be a different challenge from other venues because of its undulating terrains.
As an individual, recycling is almost second nature to me. I for one take public transport. Youths have to spread the "green" message to our parents and grandparents, as they do not have access to such information due to language difficulty. If every generation adopts such practices, we can be sure that everyone will join in these efforts, and of course, together we can make a difference.”
Aaron Ang, 25, Male, Young NTUC member
Mode of Interview: English- and Chinese-speaking
Participating: 10km
“Run 350 is one of the few runs that have an environmental cause and besides keeping fit in a whole new environment, I feel good for doing something for the environment. Many people think that small changes or contributions aren't significant, but all big changes are made up of small contributions.”
Mohamad Haidir bin Basri, 27, Male
Mode of Interview: English- and Malay-speaking
Participating: 10km
"I like to participate in running events that are challenging. I recently took part in the North East Run which was held at Pasir Ris Park last Sunday. When I heard about Run 350, I was very keen to participate because I?ve never been to Pulau Ubin before and thought it should be more challenging as compared to the other running routes in Singapore.
Moreover, Run 350 is one of the few runs in Singapore that has an environment cause. I feel great doing something good for our environment and that I?ll be helping to plant more trees at Pulau Ubin. I hope all these „small? contributions from us will help make the island more beautiful.I strongly believe all youths should spread the "green" message to their parents and grandparents, and even their uncles and aunties, as most of them who are middle-aged may not have access to much information due to their language abilities. If their generation can adopt such “green” practices, I?m sure we can make an even greater difference to our environment."
Pollyanna Rayappan, 35, Female
Mode of Interview: English- and Tamil-speaking
Participating: 10km
“Two things I love: nature and running. Run 350 marries these two passions of mine into one event. Pulau Ubin would definitely be exciting and new for me. Knowing that my participation would contribute in some way towards ensuring that running enthusiasts and nature lovers alike would continue to have a place to enjoy and take a respite from city life, is truly an added bonus. I look forward to the run and hope Run 350 becomes an annual event!”