Model ID: 2278211b-d88f-4a8e-a425-106638dbbc1f Sitecore Context Id: 2278211b-d88f-4a8e-a425-106638dbbc1f;

Young NTUC Rocks SG50!

Young NTUC puts together a show amidst NDP festivities, highlighting young talent and their aspirations for Singapore leading up to SG100.
Model ID: 2278211b-d88f-4a8e-a425-106638dbbc1f Sitecore Context Id: 2278211b-d88f-4a8e-a425-106638dbbc1f;
09 Aug 2015
Model ID: 2278211b-d88f-4a8e-a425-106638dbbc1f Sitecore Context Id: 2278211b-d88f-4a8e-a425-106638dbbc1f;

By Geraldine Peters

The Young NTUC Celebrates! National Day 2015 event fired up excitement at The Promontory@Marina Bay on 9 August this year, one of the eight spots in the Bay area where the National Day Parade was broadcast live.

Attended by more than 8000 youth members and their families along with key NTUC personnel, the six-hour event featured energetic performances by nEbO and Young NTUC’s affinity group p.L.a.Y (Performing with Love by Active Youth) as well as homegrown acts Goodfellas and Gentlebones. There was also segments that displayed youths’ aspirations for upholding Singapore’s solidarity and progress.

Future For All

With the theme ‘Appreciating the Past and Aspiring towards SG100’, the event showcased a total of 1,000 red and white spheres, each displaying a youth member’s aspirations for the country in the next 50 years. These were placed into an SG100 time capsule, to be opened in 2065. This was accompanied by a reading of the Youth Aspiration Narrative which detailed Singapore’s climb from third world to first through the eyes of Singaporean Youth.

Keeping to tradition was the Celebration of Unity (Candlelight Moment), a Young NTUC tradition since 2007. Looking to symbolise the Labour Movement’s role in nation building through harnessing solidarity, a single flame was lit from the stage and passed down from person to person till the whole ground was illuminated, right before the National anthem and pledge.

Executive Secretary of Young NTUC Desmond Choo said: “We are extremely excited that we have a way better than expected crowd; we are very thankful that everyone is very enthusiastic about the last 50 years of achievement and many of them are even more excited about the next 50 we are going to have as a nation.”

He hoped that this Young NTUC Celebrates! National Day event continues to be part of the future of the Labour Movement and to be the shining light for all young workers.

Source: NTUC This Week