By Jonathan Tan
In support of the national SGfuture dialogue series, the Labour Movement has also embarked on its own ‘SGfuture: Labour Movement Series’. These engagement sessions aim to get workers ready to cope with the challenges of the future through lifelong learning. The first session took place in January 2016 and the rest will run through to April 2016.
The series will target workers of all ages and will be conducted by various NTUC communities such as Young NTUC (young workers aged between 18 and 35), U Live (active agers aged 55 and above), U Family (working women and parents), and PME Unit (professionals, managers and executives).
Starting Young
Specifically for young workers, Young NTUC held the first of three SGfuture sessions on 17 February 2016 at professional social networking service portal LinkedIn’s office at the Marina Bay Financial Centre’s Tower 2.
The engagement session, titled ‘Transferable Skills and Career Identity’ saw more than 100 participants turn up to hear presentations by Rebecca Siow, Human Capital Leadership Institute, Roger Pua, LinkedIn’s Head of Corporate Communications for APAC, Hector Lin, Gio Careers, and Russell Tham, Regional President, Applied Materials SEA.
Underscoring the importance of preparing for future jobs and picking up future skills and being able to transfer them throughout our careers, Young NTUC Executive Secretary Desmond Choo said: “No longer does education take you to where you want to go in life in a linear fashion… Things are going to be a lot more interconnected and we have to learn how to straddle different career paths and trajectories and excel at them differently and thrive in the future economy.
For more details on the upcoming Young NTUC SGfutures sessions, visit
Source: NTUC This Week