Collaborating to bring value to NTUC members, a number of unions and U Associates have come together to organise a series of talks on various issues. Close to the hearts of participants, the topics touched on financial planning and even managing emotions at the workplace.
Facilitated by NTUC’s Membership Department, these interactions were also a way for partners like the U Associates and unions to explore more opportunities to better serve the needs of members.
An example of this was the series of five talks about MediShield Life and what is in it for Singaporeans.
Taking place at various venues, the talks were conducted by the Financial Planning Association of Singapore (FPAS) and Insurance and Financial Planning Practitioners Association of Singapore (IFPAS) for more than 250 union members from the Attractions, Resorts
& Entertainment Union (AREU), Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board Employees (AUSBE), Singapore Technologies Electronics Employees’ Union (STEEU) and the Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES).
Besides sharing how the transition from MediShield to MediShield Life will benefit Singaporeans, FPAS and IFPAS also worked in requests from their union partners to customise the content to include financial planning for members. These included pointers on retirement planning and CPF Life.
“I felt that the talk was professionally done with well accredited speakers who were armed with visual slides and even pamphlets which they distributed to us in the audience. We really benefited with a better knowledge and understanding about what MediShield Life has to
offer us.
“I am definitely looking forward to more of such engagements,” said Daniel Yeo, AUSBE’s AVA (Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore) branch chairman, who attended the talk given by FPAS.
“This is good knowledge for future planning, especially for my younger peers. I’m also looking forward to more of such talks because they are good reminders for Singaporeans on what’s available to us. We may think we have the knowledge, but we wouldn’t know how things may have changed,” said Kelvin Yeo, AUSBE’s BCA Branch chairman, who attended the talk given by IFPAS.