Traditional jobs are fast becoming redundant, while new specialised ones are quickly being created. It may be due to technological transformation, changing business models or even a shrinking global market. In the new normal, skills acquisition will have to increase in frequency while working people will progressively experience more transitions in their employment lifecycles – a working person may be in a multinational corporation today, a small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) tomorrow, and opt to freelance in the near future.
We don’t have control over these external factors, but what can we do to keep up with this new norm, especially when some of our jobs may be at risk of becoming obsolete? As the economy transforms and shows signs of picking up, where will the exciting opportunities be for working people like us?
Join us at the Future Jobs, Skills and Training Forum 2018 where you will gain insights from thought leaders and industry experts on the future jobs, future skills and training that will give you an edge in tomorrow’s employment game.
Date: 11 January 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm (Registration and light refreshments from 8:30am)
Venue: Stephen Riady Auditorium @ NTUC Level 7, One Marina Boulevard
Dress code: Business Attire
In this rapidly changing landscape, collaborative action is the key to take on the challenges and opportunities of the future and to turn the transformation plans for jobs and skills into reality.
Take charge of this transformative period. To register or to find out more about the FJST Forum, click here.