Model ID: 3cf252c0-7874-444b-80a1-c6ffd05f4984 Sitecore Context Id: 3cf252c0-7874-444b-80a1-c6ffd05f4984;

Welcome Address by NTUC President John De Payva at the opening of the NTUC National Delegates' Conference 2011

The NTUC National Delegates' Conference 2011 is held on 6 December 2011, Tuesday, 9.00 am at Dmarquee, Downtown East.
Model ID: 3cf252c0-7874-444b-80a1-c6ffd05f4984 Sitecore Context Id: 3cf252c0-7874-444b-80a1-c6ffd05f4984;
06 Dec 2011
Model ID: 3cf252c0-7874-444b-80a1-c6ffd05f4984 Sitecore Context Id: 3cf252c0-7874-444b-80a1-c6ffd05f4984;

Welcome to the National Trades Union Congress National Delegates’ Conference 2011.

Four years ago, we set off towards a vision of a better and more meaningful life where working people of all collars, ages and nationalities can work, live and play together in Singapore. We wanted to be a Labour Movement for All collars, ages and nationalities of workers.

The journey has not been easy. We had to grapple with high inflation in 2008 and a global financial crisis in 2009.

But by working together with our tripartite partners to Upturn the Downturn, we managed to minimize retrenchments and unemployment by cutting costs to save jobs. We rebounded strongly in 2010. At the same time, we established a good foundation for an All C.A.N. and 3 Gen Labour Movement.

Much of what we have achieved would not have been possible without good leadership at all levels of the Labour Movement. I thank all of you, my fellow union leaders, for your leadership, contribution and sacrifices. I also thank our brothers and sisters at NTUC for their commitment and professional support rendered to the unions, members and workers.

Good leadership cannot be left to chance. The journey forward for the next 4 years will not be any easier. We must continually strengthen our leadership ranks to make sure that the Labour Movement and all our affiliated unions are well-positioned to meet newer and tougher challenges.

I commend all of our sisters and brothers who have flowed-on to facilitate leadership renewal. It has been my privilege to serve you as President of NTUC. Though we may not be part of the Central Committee anymore after the NDC, we will continue to be available to contribute to the Labour Movement. By the end of this Conference, NTUC will have a new Central Committee. Out of the 22 candidates, 10 are new candidates – so it is a significant exercise for renewal. My message to all the potential new CC members is this: Remember we are elected by our fellow workers, and we are here to serve them, and to uphold a system of Tripartism that is best for our workers for the long term.

I also want to thank Prime Minister and our tripartite partners who are here with us today. Much of what we have achieved over the last 4 years would not have been possible without our strong and constructive brand of tripartism. This strong tripartite relationship is Singapore’s unique advantage and we must continue to nurture and refresh this relationship to meet future challenges.

At this NDC, we will take stock of our achievements under LM2011 and chart the way forward under LM2015. Later this morning, our Brother Sec-Gen will give us a summary of what we have achieved as a Labour Movement and share with you our thinking for LM2015.

Over the next two days, we will discuss the key outcomes for LM2015 for workers, members and unions. I urge all of you to participate actively because this is what we as a Labour Movement will commit to work towards together for the next four years.

Brothers and sisters, we are honoured to have Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong join us as our guest-of-honour today as we embark on LM2015. In particular, we look forward to his invaluable insights on what lies in store for Singapore. I’m sure it will provide much food for thought as we discuss our plans going forward.

Without further ado, it is indeed my pleasure to invite Prime Minister to deliver his Keynote Address.

Prime Minister, please.


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