Prime Minister Brother Lee Hsien Loong,
Emeritus Senior Minister Brother Goh Chok Tong,
Senior Minister Brother Teo Chee Hean,
Deputy Prime Minister Brother Heng Swee Keat,
Minister for Manpower Brother Tan See Leng,
and our fellow Ministers, our tripartite partners, my favourite brother, Robert Yap, President of the Singapore National Employers’ Federation, IHL partners,
Distinguished overseas guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Sisters and Brothers,
Let me warmly welcome you to the NTUC’s National Delegates’ Conference 2023!
Two years have passed since we had our Ordinary Delegates’ Conference. I think many of you would have recalled that we actually had a hybrid mode. Some, in fact not some, everyone of us were on mask at that point of time. So, it is really good, and I’m very thankful that we finally overcome COVID-19 pandemic and here today we have 1,500 of you here with us today. Sisters and Brothers, I know that you’ve been actively travelling. But while you travel, please don’t bring back the bedbugs.
So, early last month, we also had our pre-National Delegates’ Conference. Our union leaders affirmed the commitment to support all our workers of different Collars, as well as different Ages and also different Nationalities (All CAN), that’s what Brother Swee Say always said. They also cross-shared and brainstormed ideas on how to strengthen our Labour Movement’s capabilities and also to increase our value proposition to underserved segments including the youth as well as the PMEs.
Our Unions also collectively agreed to step up our efforts to transform the workforce and chart the way forward with companies through our CTC, I think many of you are now very familiar with, the Company Training Committees. And on this note, I would also take the opportunity to thank Prime Minister and of course our DPM and Finance Minister Brother Lawrence Wong as well for setting aside $10 million in the 2022 Budget. So, thank you very much, for NTUC to scale up. So, when we scale the CTCs, we also serve both business needs as well as to achieve workers outcomes towards better wages, better welfare, and better work prospects.
And also, we thank Bro Koh Poh Koon. He was then our DSG. And of course, Bro Chee Hong Tat as well, for all your hard work in the CTCs and today we have Brother DSG Desmond Tan continuing the good works. Thank you!
We also pledged our continued commitment to grow our members so that the Labour Movement remains relevant and also representative. I think that is very important for our workers, today as well as in the future.
And my heartfelt thanks to all of you delegates for contributing in the pre-NDC and for making it a success. I think you deserve a round of applause.
LM to Stay Relevant and Representative
Sisters and Brothers, we are living increasingly in a very volatile world, and we face numerous, not only national, but global challenges as well. I think it is something that is very important for us to keep that in mind.
And also, coupled with that, having the view that the profile of Singapore’s workforce is changing – and we have a more educated workforce, and more Professionals, Managers and Executives, and also increasingly a growing pool of gig economy, as well as an ageing workforce. And we are glad that we have this Every Worker Matters Conversation as well.
We hear that the career aspirations and the needs of our members are also changing – especially the younger generation they are more open to finding alternative paths to success, and there are increasing demands for flexible work arrangements from members at different life stages to fulfil the commitments outside of their work; for example, caregiving responsibilities or taking charge of their own career and personal development.
As we head into more uncertain times ahead, the Labour Movement must keep reinventing itself to stay relevant and make a real impact to uplift our workers’ Wages, Welfare and Work prospects. Our Secretary-General Brother Ng Chee Meng will share more in his speech on how we must innovate our Business, our Membership and our Training models to propel our Labour Movement forward.
Sisters and Brothers, this is not the first time we have had to respond to economic shocks and challen Just as we have done so in the past, with unions and workers at the core, I am confident that we can and will continue to evolve to meet the needs of our workers and to address their concerns, to help them stay relevant, and to face disruptions and changes.
With that, Sisters and Brothers, I just want to share that the success of our Labour Movement is not a secret, it all boils down to tripartism. And PM, you have once said tripartism is our national treasure. We must always treasure it. And I have shared on many occasions on how union leaders from other countries admire the actualisation and effectiveness of Singapore’s tripartism – that it is not just empty talk but there are a lot of hard work that’s being put in, real action and results.
So at this point of time, I would also like to thank our Prime Minister Brother Lee Hsien Loong, and among all the ministers that are here as well, and our tripartite partners, Manpower Minister Brother Tan See Leng, and of course the predecessor as well, Sister Josephine Teo. And also Brother Gan Kim Yong, Brother Lim Swee Say as well. So thank you very much for your contributions. And not forgetting our employers as well, Brother Robert Yap and their team as well, so thank you so much and all the Government officials that are here with us today, thank you so much. Without you, it would not have been possible, thank you so much for building this relationship of tripartism and we must never never take it for granted. So, with that, let’s give our tripartite partners a round of applause.
So, what we have achieved for our workers would not have been possible without your continued partnership and support, and also thanks to all our union leaders, my fellow CC members, because of our strong relationship, workers’ livelihoods are secured, companies can continue to transform and stay competitive, and most importantly, Singapore will continue to thrive.
Sisters and Brothers, this strong tripartite relationship that is based on trust must continue to be the unique hallmark of Singapore’s Labour Movement.
Current and New NTUC Central Committee
Lastly, I just want to share with you, tomorrow I am going to ORD. I have served Labour movement as President of NTUC Central Committee for 2 terms for 8 years. I would like to share my heartfelt thanks to my fellow CC members, union leaders and tripartite partners for your support. Thank you so much for your strong and unwavering support. Really appreciate that! As i look back at this journey, it would not have been possible without Brother Chan Chun Sing. Brother Chan Chun Sing has persuaded me and encouraged me along the way. Thank you Brother Chan Chun Sing. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to meet such amazing people, be it our union leaders and tripartite partners from the Government. Thank you to my Brother Ng Chee Meng. When he joined, I got loads of questions about him and now after working for 5 years with him, we can have a cup of coffee if you want to know more about him. Very privileged to work with him, I’ve seen the great heart he has for workers and I am really grateful for that. Thank you so much.
Tomorrow, a new President and Central Committee will be elected. I ask that we extend them the same support or even more, sense of unity and purpose, so that they can continue spearheading the Labour Movement and bring us to greater heights, because Every Worker Matters.
Sisters and Brothers, at this point of time, let me just wish all of you a fruitful and enjoyable NDC, thank you very much!