Centre for Domestic Employees
The centre provides a toll-free 24-hour hotline for domestic employees in Singapore and provide humanitarian aid. There are also mediation and counselling services provided to help them through any difficult times.
To find out more, visit cde.org.sg or email contact@cde.org.sg.
Migrant Workers Centre
A help centre for migrant workers that provides representation, free non-employment legal service, emergency shelter and soup kitchen services. There are also opportunities for social integration and upgrading. Volunteers can sign up to help during major events or on an ad-hoc basis to handle cases, man the MWC kiosk or do trans
Some of their ongoing activities are:
To find out more, 6536 2692 or visit www.mwc.org.sg to apply.
The junior membership of the Labour Movement that targets youths aged 12 to 25, with a motto of engaging youths to be work-ready, world-ready and life-ready. While one can simply participate in the various events, nEbO also supports its members in spearheading events to give youths opportunities to pick up leadership skills while instilling values of altruism.
Some of their upcoming activities are:
To find out more, visit www.nebo.sg/community/care.
Young NTUC
NTUC’s youth wing is the largest youth movement in Singapore, with more than 180,000 working adults aged 35 and below. They are activists for causes such as the environmental issues and animal welfare. Check out their website for volunteering opportunities.
To find out more, visit www.youngntuc.org.sg or www.facebook.com/tynvolunteers.
NTUC Health
An NTUC social enterprise, NTUC Health aims to provide affordable health and eldercare services. They have seven senior activity centres known as SilverACE that provides a social, communal environment for the elderly. Volunteers can help through the CAN (Caring Assistance for Neighbours) or CREST (Community Resources, Engagement and Support Team) programmes.
Some of their ongoing activities are:
For more information, visit ntuchealth.sg/senior-activity-centres and ntuchealth.sg/forms-for-eldercare-services. Volunteer registration forms can be downloaded on the site. To apply, send the completed form to volunteer@ntuchealth.sg.
NTUC FairPrice
NTUC FairPrice annually gets staff to contribute 5,000 volunteering hours each year as part of their corporate social responsibility. This year, FairPrice announced they will open their volunteering programmes to the public later this year, with further details to be announced soon.
Stay updated at www.fairprice.com.sg.
Source: NTUC This Week