Over the last four months since the introduction of the Taxi Availability (TA) standards, our drivers have been working hard to meet the mileage requirements.
The National Taxi Association (NTA) regrets the premature action taken by some taxi operators who have recently informed their drivers that their hiring agreement could cease if they are unable to meet the TA standards.
Many drivers have feedback that they now need to put in longer hours and days on the road to ensure they meet the TA standards. Prior to the TA introduction, NTA had surfaced drivers’ concerns about the mileage and longer hours that could affect the health of drivers and the safety of drivers and passengers.
We have asked the operators and the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to develop reasonable incentive schemes to motivate drivers as well as assistance programmes such as helping drivers find relief drivers. Operators should value every driver and not simply pass the blame on drivers who are unable to meet the TA standards.
Lastly, we call on the LTA to play a more proactive role to ensure that taxi drivers are fairly treated as they work to meet the TA standards. We also urge our operators to instead work alongside our drivers so that together, we can meet the target.
Ang Hin Kee
National Taxi Association