Model ID: e2e47042-53bc-4dcb-85b5-06bb5503d1ee Sitecore Context Id: e2e47042-53bc-4dcb-85b5-06bb5503d1ee;

Upturn the Downturn: Unleash the Singapore Advantage

The global economy is deteriorating fast and unemployment is on the rise worldwide. Singapore is also feeling the impact of the global slowdown.
Model ID: e2e47042-53bc-4dcb-85b5-06bb5503d1ee Sitecore Context Id: e2e47042-53bc-4dcb-85b5-06bb5503d1ee;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: e2e47042-53bc-4dcb-85b5-06bb5503d1ee Sitecore Context Id: e2e47042-53bc-4dcb-85b5-06bb5503d1ee;

Upturn the Downturn: Unleash the Singapore Advantage

29 January 2009


1. The global economy is deteriorating fast and unemployment is on the rise worldwide. Singapore is also feeling the impact of the global slowdown. With our economy expected to shrink between 2% to 5%, the downturn is expected to be deeper and longer this time round. Against this backdrop, the Labour Movement’s core priority is to avoid massive retrenchments and guard against a rapid rise in the unemployment rate.

2. For 2009, the Labour Movement has identified three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Upturn the Downturn:
a) Avoid exceeding the high retrenchment of 29,000 recorded in 1998
b) Avoid exceeding the high unemployment rate of 5.2% recorded in 2003
c) Strive for a faster recovery than the global economy during the eventual upturn

3. To achieve the above, the Labour Movement rallies the tripartite partners and union leaders on the ground to fulfil four commitments:

1) Most pro-business economy in the world
4. The Labour Movement will intensify its efforts to engage and help more companies to save costs, upgrade capabilities, improve service standards and increase workers' productivity. So far, 170 companies and 7,800 workers nationwide have committed to SPUR. Much more will be done in 2009.

2) Most pro-worker nation in the world
5. To help our workers stay in employment, the Labour Movement will spare no effort in re-skilling and up-skilling workers, enhancing employability, strengthening job mobility and supporting career conversion for workers affected by the downturn, so as to minimise structural unemployment.

6. Our long-term efforts in helping women back to work and the re-employment of older workers will continue in full force. Last year, we helped 2,329 women and had 706 unionised companies committed to re-employing 4,659 older workers. This year, the Labour Movement aims to help an additional 2,000 women back to work, and maintain its momentum of assisting 4,500 older workers to work past their retirement age.

7. Last year, about 900 Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs) approached the Labour Movement for employment assistance. This year, we will expand the scope of the Professional Conversion Programmes (PCPs) for more PMETs to learn new skills and move across industries.

8. In 2009, the Unit of Contract and Casual Workers (UCCW) will do more to encourage companies to engage in best-sourcing, reach out to 10,000 contract workers (2008: 7,743 workers) and help them secure fair employment rights.

9. Additionally, there will be also a new initiative by NTUC and the Singapore National Employers Federation to jointly form a contact centre to provide foreign workers with advice on employment rights.

3) Most united tripartism in the world
10. In good times, the tripartite partners have worked closely to grow the economic pie and labour market of Singapore. In current trying times, the tripartite partners will be even more proactive in strengthening trust, communications and partnership. Our unionists will help mobilise workers to accept changes on the ground so that unionised companies can survive better and upgrade faster. At the same time, they can be more aligned with the Labour Movement’s three key priorities of cutting costs and saving jobs; up-skilling and re-skilling; and staying committed to long-term employment objectives.

4) Most caring Labour Movement in the world
11. In 2007 and 2008, the Labour Movement distributed $7 million and $13 million worth of assistance to our members respectively. This year in more difficult times, we will upturn our Care and Share efforts by committing at least $20 million to help more workers ease their financial burden through vouchers, subsidies and discounts.

12. As an inclusive Labour Movement, our social enterprises will also do their part to help union members and their families stretch their dollar. For example, to moderate the cost of living, NTUC FairPrice has extended its 5% discount on housebrand items till the end of the year, while NTUC Healthcare increased its basket of affordable goods from 100 to 200 items. Additionally, NTUC Income will fork out a $6 million subsidy, which will benefit 77,000 Incomeshield policyholders for one year, and NTUC First Campus is committed to keep their childcare fees at 15%-20% below the national median.

13. In conclusion, there will be no shortcuts to upturning this downturn – the Labour Movement will have to work through company by company to help businesses survive and upgrade so that more jobs can be saved for workers. With clear focus and strong alignment, we are confident that the tripartite partners will stand in unity to rally ground support. Together, we will get through this crisis with confidence and a positive attitude, and reach the finish line of global recovery as a stronger economy and a more resilient nation.

