On 2 June 2018, some 90 Thai cadets completed the two-week CadetsPlus pre-sea preparatory programme developed by Singapore’s Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI) and are now ready to be deployed onboard Singapore’s ships.
This was made possible by a collaboration between the Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU), the Thai Seafarers’ Association (TFSA) and Thai shipping companies to develop quality and qualified seafarers to man Singapore flagships.
The partnership was a first between WMI and Thailand’s Merchant Marine Training Centre project and is funded by the Singapore Maritime Training Fund. It was first mooted when SMOU and TFSA inked a bilateral arrangement in 2017.
The training included assimilating the cadets to the working life onboard Singapore registered ships and encompass modules such as report writing, shipboard organisation and teamwork, shipboard safety and maritime English.
Growing Maritime Manpower
The Thai cadets received their certificates at a graduation ceremony in Bangkok, in the presence of their family members and current Thai employers.
Shipping employers from Singapore were also present at the event to explore hiring the new cadets as possible solutions to the short supply of maritime officers.
“This two-week programme is good preparation for us before we go to sea as a cadet for the first time in our lives. There is always a concern for? the first time we do anything, but I am feeling more confident after this programme as it teaches us practical skills such as communication and shipboard organisation. We will be better equipped to take on the challenges as we sail on our first ships,” said Wasin Pothiyan, a cadet from Thoresen Co (Bangkok) Ltd.
SMOU General Secretary Mary Liew said that it has always been SMOU’s mission to champion seafarers’ interests and to value-add to the maritime community.
“We work with unions and shipping companies to help seafarers around the world to remain competent for their voyage, and today’s graduation is the result of a bilateral collaboration between SMOU and TSFA, where we have a common goal to provide the young Thai people with an opportunity to work on Singapore flagships with better wages,” she said.
TSFA President Nopadol Kaewsuwan called the collaboration between the two unions a step forward in equipping Thai seafarers with skills needed for international shipping.
Started in 2007 in Qingdao, China, the CadetsPlus Training Programme has benefitted close to 3,000 seafaring cadets across 15 cities in six countries.