Model ID: f6028de0-64e3-43b1-82a2-3c3d8c74ac6d Sitecore Context Id: f6028de0-64e3-43b1-82a2-3c3d8c74ac6d;

Uplifting the HR Profession to Support Business Transformation

HR Industry Transformation Advisory Panel aims for more than 10,000 HR professionals to be certified by 2025.
Model ID: f6028de0-64e3-43b1-82a2-3c3d8c74ac6d Sitecore Context Id: f6028de0-64e3-43b1-82a2-3c3d8c74ac6d;
By Kay del Rosario 30 Sep 2020
Model ID: f6028de0-64e3-43b1-82a2-3c3d8c74ac6d Sitecore Context Id: f6028de0-64e3-43b1-82a2-3c3d8c74ac6d;

Equipping HR professionals with emerging skills should be a key thrust of the sector in driving business and workforce transformation.

This was one of the key messages of Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad during his address at the virtual HR Festival Asia on 30 September 2020.

He presented recommendations by the HR Industry Transformation Advisory Panel (HRTAP) for a stronger HR sector.

“Through upskilling and supporting business and workforce transformation, we will continue to elevate the HR professionals into strategic business partners and leaders. In turn, this also means better jobs in HR,” said Mr Zaqy.

The HRTAP was convened in October 2018 and will lead in charting the next phase of development for the HR industry.

Building HR Capabilities

Another key thrust recommended by HRTAP is to build HR capabilities that support sector and enterprise transformation.

This will mean targeted support for companies embarking on business transformation, as well as broad-based resources for self-help.

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Institute of HR Professionals (IHRP) are working with sector agencies to develop sector-specific HR playbooks with curated tools, solution and use cases. These are meant to guide HR professionals in addressing and solving HR challenges.

“The Government will also integrate HR capability building components into its various enterprise support schemes. One example is the Scale-Up SG programme, which helps high-growth companies scale rapidly to become local champions,” Mr Zaqy said.

Other broad-based resources include:

  • Access to company-specific workforce insights via MOM’s Employer Data Portal
  • Supporting workforce planning and progressive HR practices through the national Human Capital Diagnostic Tool (HCDT)
  • Reducing cost and increasing accessibility of HR technology

Measures of Success

To ensure there is increased recognition of the importance of HR capability building, HRTAP outlined the following targets to be achieved by 2025:

  • 5,000 HCDT assessments
  • 80 per cent of companies to have improved HCDT scores
  • 10,000 certified professionals and associates (IHRP-certified or equivalent)
  • 10,000 IHRP skills badges conferred

In addition, HRTAP will track the outcomes for companies and HR professionals in terms of improvements in business outcomes for companies that have gone through HCDT, and improvements in wage profiles of local HR professionals.

“A strong HR sector will put our businesses and workforce in good stead to navigate their transformation journeys in the post-COVID world. Let us continue to work together to build a strong HR that benefits our businesses and our workers,” said Mr Zaqy.