Union Leaders embark on learning journey
15 January 2007
Joint Media Release
1 Arising from the Labour Movement 2011 vision, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) kick-started today a series of Learning Journeys in 2007 to help union leaders better understand and appreciate the dynamics and texture of Singapore’s tripartism model and economy against the backdrop of globalisation.
2 Jointly organised by NTUC and the Ong Teng Cheong Institute of Labour Studies, and with management partners’ active participation, the Learning Journeys will add a new dimension to trade union training and education activities for union leaders.
3 Through these Learning Journeys, union leaders will obtain first-hand knowledge and insights of key trends, issues, initiatives and industries that will have impact on the workforce and employment conditions in Singapore. These key areas may include the impact of globalisation on our workforce and our perception of “work”, and implications of strategic national plans like the Economic Development Board’s Manufacturing 2018 plan and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore’s Intelligent Island 2015, for our workers.
4 By equipping union leaders with current knowledge and insights of the various industries and economy, they will be better equipped as change agents at workplaces to push for excellence in human resource practices and for workers to embrace opportunities for growth and development.
5 Today’s Learning Journey to STMicroelectronics Pte Ltd marked the first in the series of six visits. To provide union leaders with a wider scope for learning and development, each Learning Journey would have different themes. These themes may include Best Sourcing Initiatives – to address the problems of cheap outsourcing; Customer-Centric Initiatives – to improve service standards, company’s bottom line and employees' rewards; Job Re-creation Programme – to redesign jobs and retrain workers for these jobs; and employment and re-employment of matured workers – to raise the employment of older workers and re-employment of retired workers.
6 At STMicroelectronics, the union leaders gained a more in-depth understanding of the employment prospects and conditions in a key growth sector in Singapore, the semi-conductor industry. They also learnt of how innovative manpower planning by STMicroelectronics, involving the union – the United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries – and government agencies, has enabled the company to regularly upgrade its operations to meet changing global demands. About 80 union leaders, led by NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say, visited the company’s semi-conductor plants and facilities at Ang Mo Kio, and interacted and exchanged views with the company’s management.
Jointly issued by:
Ong Keau
Deputy Director
Leadership Development Department
National Trades Union Congress
S Thiagarajan
Ong Teng Cheong Institute of Labour Studies
For media queries, please contact:
For Learning Journeys:-
Chung Sang Pok
Principal Executive
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
DID 6213 8189
HP 9672 4112
Email chungsp@ntuc.org.sg
For STMicroelectronics Pte Ltd:-
Ms Esther Gan
Corporate Communications
Asia Pacific
STMicroelectronics Pte Ltd
DID 6216 5522
Email esther.gan@st.com