Be it as NTUC Vice-President, be it as United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries (UWEEI) General Secretary or be it as a Labour Nominated Member of Parliament, Mr Cyrille Tan has made a mark in his service in all these appointments. It is therefore no surprise that political leaders, management partners and fellow union leaders he has worked with hold deep impressions of this man’s passion and drive. They shared the impacts he has been leaving in their hearts at the appreciation dinner that spoke of his contributions organised by UWEEI on 14 February 2012.
He Has Paved Way For An Exciting Future
“Brother Cyrille has had an illustrious and impactful time serving as a union leader. He has seen UWEEI from its humble beginning and walked alongside workers and members through tumultuous and difficult times, and has played a role in positioning UWEEI for an even more exciting future.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of UWEEI Council of Advisors Teo Chee Hean
He Has Laid A Strong Foundation
“UWEEI’s achievements speak volumes of Brother Cyrille’s individual leadership and strengths of service. But that’s not all, this is also a result of the systematic framework that Brother Cyrille and other UWEEI leaders have put in place to identify, groom and develop a steady stream of leaders for UWEEI to look after the workers and members. This is important because it helps to multiply the strengths and efforts of those like Brother Cyrille to build a strong core of union leaders at the branch, HQ and union level.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of UWEEI Council of Advisors Teo Chee Hean
He Championed In Many Ways
“In Parliament, Brother Cyrille was our champion in tackling structural unemployment. UWEEI, under his leadership, was the strongest supporter for the Skills Redevelopment Programme (SRP) and was also the first union to adopt the Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR)…(and on membership) UWEEI, among all our unions, is one that is most affected by the up’s and down’s of the global economy. Yet, its membership has grown steadily year after year. Today, it is one of the top three unions in Singapore under Brother Cyrille’s leadership.”
NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say
He Has Shaped Up LMR
“I was transferred to MES in March 2011. In this short time, I was impressed by Cyrille’s dedication and commitment to our workers. He is also sensitive to companies situations and challenges and works towards a win-win approach. He is one of the reasons why Murata has maintained strong and harmonious Labour-Management Relations with UWEEI. We are committed to continue the good relationships that he has built.”
Murata Electronics Singapore (Private) Limited’s Managing Director Masanori Minamide
He Practices What He Preaches
“Brother Cyrille Tan is a rare breed of leader who has been able to effectively juggle multiple commitments, whether at the branch, union or LM level. And he has a strength of character, Brother Cyrille never flinches from saying and doing what he believes is right. For example, long before “life-long learning” became a buzzword, Brother Cyrille was the top student in the pioneering diploma in industrial relations intake of 1990. He went on to complete his Bachelor of Science in 1996 at the age of 47.”
UWEEI President Francis Lim
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