Model ID: a0868a81-291c-4a75-b9cb-8da9c1d4aaa0 Sitecore Context Id: a0868a81-291c-4a75-b9cb-8da9c1d4aaa0;

UWEEI goes the extra mile to help members weather the worst global recession

Almost $2.6 million worth of assistance given to help members affected by the downturn
Model ID: a0868a81-291c-4a75-b9cb-8da9c1d4aaa0 Sitecore Context Id: a0868a81-291c-4a75-b9cb-8da9c1d4aaa0;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: a0868a81-291c-4a75-b9cb-8da9c1d4aaa0 Sitecore Context Id: a0868a81-291c-4a75-b9cb-8da9c1d4aaa0;

UWEEI goes the extra mile to help members weather the worst global recession

24 October 2009

Media Release

Almost $2.6 million worth of assistance given to help members affected by the downturn

1. 2009 has been a challenging year for Singapore - a year where we face the world’s worst global recession. The electronics sector was one of the worst hit sectors in Singapore. Many workers in the industry were affected as demand for goods and services from the electronic sector dropped drastically. More than 4000 workers have lost their jobs due to retrenchments, with the bulk in the first half of the year. Since October 2008, many companies have also implemented shorter work weeks to cope with the drop in orders. This has affected more than 25,000 workers thus far.

2. In January 2009, the Government announced various measures and initiatives to help both companies and workers overcome the difficult time. Jobs Credit scheme and the Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (Spur) were introduced to cuts costs and minimise possible retrenchment.

3. The United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries (UWEEI) has gone the extra mile to help its members during this recession. UWEEI worked closely with companies to ensure that workers take part in Spur training to ensure that they remained updated with new skills and capabilities so as to enhance their employability. So far, about 8000 electronic workers were put through or are currently undergoing Spur training. UWEEI also worked with the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) to assist six companies in the wafer fabrication sector to roll out the Workforce Skills Qualification Framework (SQF). The SQF will benefit 7,000 engineers and will also be extended to technicians and operators.

4. To date, UWEEI has already given out a total of $1.7 million cash to 17,000 members affected by shorter work week during the economic downturn through the U-Care Immediate Assistance Fund1. On top of that, the union has also distributed $800,000 worth of U Stretch vouchers benefiting 10,000 lower income members to help them reduce their hardship during the downturn.

5. This year, albeit an improving economy, UWEEI is doing more to help members cope with their children's education expenditure. The UWEEI Scholarship and Bursary Awards Ceremony, which took place on Saturday, 24 October 2009, was attended by Guest-of-Honour, Mr Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Defence, together with more than 1000 recipients and their families. With the support from the U Care Fund, UWEEI is doubling its scholarship and bursary awards funds so that more members can benefit. A total of 804 award recipients, up from the 454 award recipients in 2008, will benefit from UWEEI's increased funding. This amount to $146,075, which is double the amount given out last year.

6. The scholarships are awarded to children of UWEEI’s member who performed exceedingly well in their studies. The scholarship amount ranges from $125 per recipient for those in the primary school level to $2000 per recipient for those pursuing a university education. The bursary awards are given to children from lower income families to help them cope with their education expenses. It ranges from $75 to $1000 per recipient depending on their level of education. For more information on the breakdown of amount awarded, please refer to Table 1.

7. Madam Halimah Yacob, Deputy Secretary-General for NTUC and Executive Secretary for UWEEI said, “UWEEI is committed to help members in as many ways as possible. Besides helping members at work, we also want to ensure that our members’ children can continue their studies without worries so that they have the opportunity to excel in school and expand their potential. We hope the scholarship will spur the children to strive continuously for outstanding academic performance. The bursary award will provide some financial relief to the lower income families.”

8. Mr Amir Paisar Bin Abdul Ghani, who is the sole bread winner for his family of seven, said, "I am very happy and thankful to UWEEI for awarding the bursaries to my four children. The amount will definitely help to lighten my financial load. I need not have to worry so much about not being able to pay for my children’s school expenses now.” Mr Amir has been a UWEEI member for 20 years. He is currently working in Fujitec Singapore Corporation Limited and is earning a monthly salary of about $1500.

9. “I am happy that both my daughters are receiving the bursaries award again from UWEEI this year. The money will allow them to buy school books and stationeries for the new school term. It will also encourage them to continue to work hard in their studies,” said Mdm Koh Geok Lian, who is currently working in Seagate Technology International as an operator. Mdm Koh is the sole bread winner of her family of four as her husband is suffering from spinal cord illness and is unable to work.

10. UWEEI also collaborated with the NTUC Care and Share Department on a “neuPC” project. The project aims to provide free computers and broadband access to children from the lower income families so that they are not deprived the opportunity to a better education.

11. With the disbursement of the scholarship and bursaries, almost $2.6million worth of assistance would have been distributed to UWEEI’s members to help them tide over the economic downturn. This was possible due to the strong financial support from the NTUC Care and Share programme. UWEEI is committed to work closely with management to help companies and members during both good and bad times. The close collaboration will ensure a better future for all.

Madam Halimah Yacob
Deputy Secretary-General for NTUC
Executive Secretary for UWEEI

Table 1




No. of recipients 









Secondary (Independent)




Junior College
















1 The ‘U Care’ Fund was launched in March 2009 by the Labour Movement to help alleviate the financial burden of lower-income workers during the economic downturn.
