The United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries (UWEEI) started its care-and-share initiatives early this year from October to lift some of the financial burden off its members’ shoulders.
The union presented about 630 members’ children with bursaries and scholarships worth about $135,000. On 21 October 2012, members and their children gathered at NTUC Centre for the ceremony. Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of National Development, Lee Yi Shyan was the Guest-of-Honour at the session.
Inspiring the children to reach out for more successes, he shared a video which depicted the story of an 11-year-old, Pan Shao Hong. The boy’s love for learning sees him climbing hills, walking through cornfields, crossing a wooden bridge and cutting through the woods in a one-and-a-half journey to get to Muchuan CapitaLand Green Hope School in China. In similar spirit, he encouraged the children to strive on to achieve the best they can in their lives.
Sweetening up the day with a movie treat on 24 November 2012 at Shaw Bugis, the union distributed $244,000 worth of Back-to-School Vouchers to 1,952 school-going children. This gesture benefitted 922 families, who can make use of them to buy school-related items till 31 March 2013.
With these vouchers in hand, the union also encouraged members to take advantage of the U Care Back-to-School Fair to be held on 15 and 16 December at The Plaza, National Library Building. Members and their families caught the movie ‘Rise of the Guardians’ before heading home with their goodies.