by George Soriano
Against the backdrop of a competitive and volatile global economic situation, a strong and responsive Labour Movement (LM) is critical in helping our companies and workers overcome the challenges of today.
Speaking before members and partners at the UNITE Leadership Summit 2013, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Deputy Secretary-General Heng Chee How said that the challenges posed by globalisation, the ageing workforce and labour market uncertainties are clear indications that there is a need to call for “strong leadership that runs strong unions”.
Although the size of the union leadership pool increased from about 5,800 union leaders in 2009 to nearly 6,200 in 2013, much can still be done to develop and strengthen LM's union leadership.
The summit also witnessed the launch of "Flowing from Strength to Strength", a leadership initiative by the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTC Institute).
The e-book (electronic book), chronicling some of the most inspiring stories shared by union leaders, aims to recharge and renew effective tripartism and union leadership through the stories of 12 featured union leaders. This e-book can be viewed here.
The OTC Institute will continue to gather, refresh and publish new stories for more union leaders’ collective learning and to inspire others to follow their lead.
Moving forward, NTUC will also organise more workshops and programmes on good practices to strengthen awareness amongst union leaders.
In addition, the LM has put in place a 3-Flow Model of leadership renewal and development namely “Flow In”, “Flow Up” and “Flow On” to help ensure sustainable and dedicated leadership.
“The challenges of today and tomorrow will be no less than those of yesterday. It is precisely because of this that the LM emphasizes the need for a strong pipeline of leaders, well-equipped for continued good and principled service amidst changing circumstances,” DSG Heng concluded.
During the event, 10 veteran union leaders were also honored for their years of working passionately towards the betterment of their fellow workers.
UNITE Leadership Summit 2013, held on 18 October 2013 at the Orchid Country Club, was hosted by NTUC President Diana Chia and Secretary-General Lim Swee Say and attended by over 500 union leaders and members of the LM community.