NTUC now represents 1 in 4 of the resident workforce in Singapore.
Moving forward, the LM has set its sights on representing at least 1 in 3 workers in the resident workforce.
NTUC targets to boost PME unionisation rate to 1 in 4 PMEs from
the current 1 in 5 PMEs.
Globally, there is an overall decline in unionisation rates with OECD countries seeing a decline over successive decades to a rate of only 17 per cent now. However, the Labour Movement (LM) in Singapore continues to grow from strength to strength, achieving a resident unionisation rate of 25 per cent in December 2012. The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has seen a steady increase in the growth of union membership. In July 2013, our 3-Gen membership base reached 770,000 members.
In 1992, the Labour Movement represented 1 in 7 resident workers in Singapore and 1 in 5 resident workers 10 years ago. Now the LM represents 1 in 4 workers in the resident workforce in Singapore. Moving forward, the LM has set its sights on representing at least 1 in 3 workers in the resident workforce. To achieve this, we will focus on 3 key areas:
i Organise more companies
ii. Reach out to more Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs)
iii. Foster lifelong relationship with our members at every life-stage
Organise more companies
The growth in unionisation rate has been largely driven by NTUC's strong organising capabilities. From the period of January 2010 to July 2013, 250 new companies were unionised, bringing the total number of unionised companies to 1,497 in July 2013.
NTUC Membership has launched a new Organising Resource Centre (MED ORC) in 2012 to build new capabilities in organising the evolving workforce of today. NTUC has worked together with the unions to achieve high numbers of new branches organised in the first seven months of 2013. A total of 62 new branches were set up between January and July 2013 compared to 75 branches in the whole of 2012.
Leveraging on information technology, LM will launch an enhanced MED ORC Portal at the U Summit 2013 event this evening. The improved portal will better support our unions in building their capabilities in the 3Rs – Recruitment, Retention and Relationship Building – so that they can be more effective in their organising efforts.
At the NTUC Membership Seminar organised earlier this year, union leaders have identified and resolved to bring the unions to workers in companies that are considered major players in their respective industries. For example, NTUC is currently working closely with the Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU) to engage the workers of the Marina Bay Sands (MBS).
Reach out to more Professionals, Managers and Executives
As Singapore’s workforce evolves and more locals become Professional, Managers and Executives (PMEs), NTUC strives to be a greater voice and advocate for them. Today, the LM already represents 1 in 5 PMEs in the resident workforce in Singapore. Although the unionisation rate of PMEs has increased significantly from 1 in 6 PMEs in 2002, the LM will continue to push forward so that we can boost the PME unionisation rate to represent 1 in 4 PMEs in the resident workforce.
To achieve this, a series of initiatives targeted at PMEs have been rolled out to engage with them more effectively. These include the Future Leaders Summit 2013 which was attended by over 1,000 PMEs. A string of engagements are on the way, such as CEO fireside chats, legal primers, U Dialogues, and Future Leaders Series. The LM is also identifying new channels to reach out to the PMEs.
Foster lifelong relationship with Union Members
Membership Communities have been growing strongly. The LM now has an all-time high number of 83 Community Chapters at the unions, as compared to 57 in 2012, and 49 in 2011.
The U65+ launched during last year’s U Summit has 90 per cent of eligible union members covered under the programme today. To qualify for the programme, union members have to be 65 years old and above, and have been members for at least 10 years. They can now continue to enjoy the support of their unions when they are re-employed, and even if they decide to retire from the workforce.
U Summit 2013
U Summit is an annual NTUC Membership awards ceremony that recognises and rewards our unions, communities and key partners for their strong support and concerted efforts in recruiting and retaining union members. The LM is pleased to announce that 39 awards will be presented at the U Summit 2013 event that will be held at Downtown East this evening.
For the first time, U Summit 2013 will present a five-act Multimedia Play, put together by director Nicholas Lee (of Under One Roof fame), drawing from real stories of our union leaders standing up for union members. Presented in a combination of stage acting, video, music, drums and cheerleading performances, the play will portray how the union leaders lent a helping hand to a re-employed worker, fought for the rights of the retrenched workers, obtained justice for a pregnant mother, and provided a platform for youthful dreams to take flight. The celebrations will be attended by close to 800 union leaders, partners, and members from our LM communities.
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