Model ID: 9fd6f0f0-3870-4070-963c-afb5f369a9bf Sitecore Context Id: 9fd6f0f0-3870-4070-963c-afb5f369a9bf;

U Live Supports National Efforts to Promote Active Ageing

Over 3,000 seniors visited U Live The Good Life carnival organised in conjunction with Council for Third Ages (C3A) Active Ageing Festival to engage active agers. 100 seniors also participated in the Mall Brisk Walk at Downtown East.
Model ID: 9fd6f0f0-3870-4070-963c-afb5f369a9bf Sitecore Context Id: 9fd6f0f0-3870-4070-963c-afb5f369a9bf;
04 Jul 2010
Model ID: 9fd6f0f0-3870-4070-963c-afb5f369a9bf Sitecore Context Id: 9fd6f0f0-3870-4070-963c-afb5f369a9bf;

At the U Live Symposium held at the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Centre on 4 July 2010, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Heng Chee How shared that U Live would strengthen its efforts to integrate Work, Live and Play activities for the benefit of some 102,000 U Live members aged 55 and above. He announced that U Live was exploring ways to take advantage of various national health exercise platforms like brisk walking with the Health Promotion Board (HPB), as well as the People’s Association (PA) under its existing Wellness Programme.

The Labour Movement’s concerted efforts are taking shape through this outreach event for seniors called, “U Live The Good Life” on 7 November 2010, from 11am to 4pm, at NTUC Club’s Downtown East. This event is one of the Active Ageing Celebrations events U Live is holding in collaboration with C3A’s Active Ageing Festival 2010. Over 3,000 U Live members, family members and friends visited the all-day carnival which offered a host of fun fitness activities for seniors like line dancing, in-line skating, laughter yoga, akido, archery, rock climbing and go-karting.

U Live is also the first union-affiliated membership community in Singapore to support Healthy Together, the theme of the Health Promotion Board’s (HPB) National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign (NHLC) 2010, where all Singapore residents are inspired to share the joys of living a healthy lifestyle, together with their community and families. To kick-start the all-day “U Live The Good Life” carnival, some 100 active agers took part in a 1.2 km Mall Brisk Walk held at Downtown East this morning.

Guest-of-honour, Deputy Secretary-General Heng Chee How joined the active agers to walk the talk. Commenting on the strategic collaboration between U Live and various organisations like the HPB and PA, Mr Heng said, “I am very happy that in the short period since July 2010, U Live’s membership has leapt from 93,000 to 102,000. At the same time, besides U Live's own exciting programmes and activities, our partnerships with HPB and People's Association are also bearing fruit. U Live definitely has the strength and quality to realise our vision of enabling our seniors to be Happy, Healthy, Purposeful and Productive (H2P2).” Mr Heng is also the Advisor of U Live Committee.

 Also at “U Live The Good Life” carnival, U Live in collaboration with HPB’s Healthy Ageing Division conducted healthy ageing workshops for seniors who wish to learn more about health and wellness management.

Besides HPB, U Live is also partnering PA to jointly organise the 7th Elias Challenge Trophy Woodball Championship 2010 on 13 and 14 November 2010. Woodball enthusiasts will be offered the opportunity to bond with one another through competitions and novices can improve their level of play by picking up tips from fellow enthusiasts. U Live is currently working with PA to mobilise interest group members to take part in the PA Dancethon end of this year.