Model ID: fa6d0680-69af-4ec0-8276-86155afe4221 Sitecore Context Id: fa6d0680-69af-4ec0-8276-86155afe4221;

U Festival

As part of the May Day celebrations, U Festival, a two day event at Civic Plaza, Ngee Ann City, saw about 50,000 visitors, including union members, experiencing the Labour Movements new look.
Model ID: fa6d0680-69af-4ec0-8276-86155afe4221 Sitecore Context Id: fa6d0680-69af-4ec0-8276-86155afe4221;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: fa6d0680-69af-4ec0-8276-86155afe4221 Sitecore Context Id: fa6d0680-69af-4ec0-8276-86155afe4221;

U Festival


20 May 2007


As part of the May Day celebrations, U Festival, a two day event at Civic Plaza, Ngee Ann City, saw about 50,000 visitors, including union members, experiencing the Labour Movement’s new look. In a Special Draw for existing union members on Saturday afternoon, the grand winner walked away with the top prize of six months worth of free NTUC FairPrice groceries. The other nine lucky draw winners won 10,000 LinkPoints and a bag of groceries each.

In a huge marquee set-up, participants of all ages had a fulfilling weekend. They participated in interactive games such as U Price it Right, a giant size Snakes and Ladders, and UTravel – Around The World in 80 Names.  The more active crowd pitted their skills against each other in games such as Pool Challenge, Street Soccer, arcade-style shooting and racing games, Mini Golf-Challenge and rock-climbing.  Families who streamed in also watched their young children play in the Explorer Kids’ Ball pit! area. In addition, there was free health screening for health-conscious union members who had their BMI (Body Mass Index), glucose and cholesterol checked.

The U Festival celebrations not only witnessed the working people of Singapore and their families having a good time at play, it also showcased NTUC membership benefits at a glance. Public members who experienced the dynamism of what the Labour Movement and its NTUC social enterprises could offer also signed up as union members on the spot, where again, they will stand to win more prizes in upcoming lucky draws. Youths who thoroughly enjoyed the sporting activities organised for them also signed up as nEbO or Young NTUC members.

Different stations had been set up to appeal to a wider audience from all walks of life.  Here are some of the interesting station highlights:

U Price It Right
A reminiscent of the game The Price is Right, participants tried to guess the correct value of each basket of groceries and food items. The winner with the closest guess brought home the basket of goodies with them!

Street Soccer
Sport enthusiasts brought down a team of families and/or friends to play in the Street Soccer game with a twist. Each team consisted of 8 players who paired up and had their legs bound together (like a three-legged race) in a test of strength and unity.

LinkPoints - Make Your Point
Sharp shooters loved the arcade-style game! They aimed and shot as many balloons within a time frame and gained bonus points when an NTUC/NTUC Plus or U Card was inside the balloon.  Members with the top three scores won actual LinkPoints – 20,000 LinkPoints for first prize, 10,000 LinkPoints for second prize, 5,000 LinkPoints for third prize.
U Movies – Whirl-Win Machine
Free movie vouchers and Popcorn Combo vouchers were up for grabs when they stepped into the Whirl-Win chamber and scored more than 1050 points in grabbing as many same coloured NTUC Confetti pieces.

Dance extravaganza and live bands
Come night time, the crowd relaxed with NTUC live bands grooving to Chinese, English and Malay tunes. There were also hot numbers of Salsa performances, an interactive line dance session and DJ dedications for their loved ones.

