Model ID: 702028fe-7f88-4473-a2a1-fd04cddf162a Sitecore Context Id: 702028fe-7f88-4473-a2a1-fd04cddf162a;

U Care Fund Surpasses Fundraising Target of $10 million for 2010

Over $5 mil in donations were pledged at the U Care Charity Golf, bringing total fundraising efforts to $11.6 million for the year
Model ID: 702028fe-7f88-4473-a2a1-fd04cddf162a Sitecore Context Id: 702028fe-7f88-4473-a2a1-fd04cddf162a;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 702028fe-7f88-4473-a2a1-fd04cddf162a Sitecore Context Id: 702028fe-7f88-4473-a2a1-fd04cddf162a;

02 Aug 2010

1          The Labour Movement U Care Fund had set a target of $10 million at the beginning of 2010, and had garnered about $6.4 million thus far through the May Day Dinner and various donations from the Singapore Labour Foundation, NTUC Club, NTUC-affiliated unions and companies. To reach its final target, the U Care Fund held a U Care Charity Golf on 2 August 2010.  Please refer to Table A for total fundraising efforts in 2010.

About U Care Charity Golf 2010

2          On 2 August, the U Care Charity Golf was held as a final fundraiser at Orchid Country Club to reach the $10 million mark for the year. About 110 participants consisting of union leaders, management and government officials came together to raise funds for low-wage union members. Through the sale of golf flights and donations, a total of $5.18 million was raised. One of the major donors was NTUC FairPrice Foundation which donated $2.4 million, while NTUC Income and NTUC Choice Homes donated $1 million each.

3              Mr Tan Kian Chew, Group Chief Executive for NTUC FairPrice and Director for NTUC FairPrice Foundation said, “As part of the Labour Movement, FairPrice Foundation naturally supports any effort that advances the welfare of workers and their families. Even as the economy has started to recover, there are still pockets in the community that will need a helping hand. FairPrice Foundation is pleased to be able to do our part in helping workers, especially low income families, to improve their lives.”

4          Therefore, the U Care Charity Golf concludes the year’s fundraising efforts, bringing the U Care Fund to a total of $11.6 million raised for 2010 – about 16% more than the initial target of $10 million. In total, the NTUC social enterprises have also contributed more than 50% ($6.32 million) of the total funds raised.

5          The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)’s Care and Share Director, Mr Zainudin Nordin said, “I am heartened to receive such strong support from our social enterprises throughout the years. With their significant contributions towards the U Care Fund, we have raised over $11 million for 2010, surpassing our initial target of $10 million. The unity of the Labour Movement family has showed that once again, we can pool together important resources to assist union members who genuinely need our help.”

6          He continued, “Now that we have concluded our fundraising efforts for the year, we will concentrate on pushing out programmes that will benefit our union members. There will be assistance catered for the elderly, the lower-income members and their children.  The next programme to be rolled out soon will be the Back to School vouchers, which will aid children of low-income members in purchasing school-related items for their new school year.”

Programmes from the U Care Fund

7          To date, the U Care Fund has already rolled out the $1.5 million Family Recreation & Fun Carnival, as well as the $1.5 million U Stretch vouchers for 2010.  Looking forward, $5 million has also been set aside for the Labour Movement Back to School vouchers.  Application details of the Back to School vouchers will be revealed later this month.  The remaining funds will then go towards other assistance programmes catering to the needs of the elderly and children of low-income members.

 Table A

Fundraising Event /

Activity in 2010 for U Care Fund

Amount ($)

May Day Dinner on 29 April 2010


Singapore Labour Foundation donation at the May Day Family Fiesta on 22 May 2010


NTUC donation at the May Day Family Fiesta on 22 May 2010


Family Recreation & Fun Carnivals sponsored by NTUC Club on 6 June 2010


U Care Charity Golf on 2 August 2010




* $5,180,000 includes $100,000 from NTUC. 
