Model ID: 8f123f0e-4ab1-4939-b38b-82abc9766953 Sitecore Context Id: 8f123f0e-4ab1-4939-b38b-82abc9766953;

U Care Does More For Low-income Members

U Care Fund is all set to roll out its U Stretch Vouchers Programme amounting to $3 million this year to reach out to 30,000 low-income union members. There will also be a revision in the income eligibility.
Model ID: 8f123f0e-4ab1-4939-b38b-82abc9766953 Sitecore Context Id: 8f123f0e-4ab1-4939-b38b-82abc9766953;
09 May 2012
Model ID: 8f123f0e-4ab1-4939-b38b-82abc9766953 Sitecore Context Id: 8f123f0e-4ab1-4939-b38b-82abc9766953;

The Labour Movement has stepped up its efforts to ‘Do More’ for members by revising the income eligibility criteria for the U Care assistance programmes.

The NTUC U Care Fund will roll out its U Stretch Vouchers Programme amounting to $3 million this year to reach out to 30,000 low-income union members.

The U Stretch vouchers aims to help low-income union members stretch their dollar on basic necessities.

In line with the Department of Statistics’ findings on Key Household Income Trends 2011 released this year, the Labour Movement has benchmarked and revised its U Care assistance programmes to match the lowest 20th percentile of gross household and per capita income. 

The revision sees a rise in gross household income limit to $2,800 from $2,200 and per capita income limit to $725 from $600.

Shared NTUC Care and Share Director Zainal Sapari: “Our economic outlook is still uncertain given the current global economic climate. Coupled with the pressures of inflation and rising cost of living, timely reviews have to be made so that we continue to remain relevant to those who need our assistance.

“With the latest change in our income eligibility criteria, we hope to reach out to more low-income members, and help lessen their burden, especially on their daily essentials.”

Successful U Stretch applicants will each receive a booklet of 40 vouchers worth $100 in total value, for use at four of NTUC Social Enterprises – NTUC FairPrice supermarkets, NTUC Unity pharmacies and clinics, NTUC Foodfare food courts and NTUC Eldercare centres.

Union members can now apply for the assistance programmes through an accessible, newly-launched U Care Online Application System at:
