Transformation for Private Security Sector and Employees
1 January 2008
Media Release
1 A new union office, an active youth chapter and a series of anniversary celebrations – these are what members of the Union of Security Employees (USE) can look forward to in the brand new year. Kicking off the official opening of its new office at the Waterloo Centre with a daredevil rappelling feat by its union leaders, USE also launched today its youth chapter – Young USE, and 30th anniversary celebrations to better serve its members, who are private security employees.
Opening of New USE Office
2 The setting up of a physical USE office at Waterloo Street marks a key milestone for the union and its membership, which grew from 900[1] members and nine branches (unionised companies) at the start of 2004, to 4,200[2] members and 40 branches today. This remarkable membership growth is mainly due to USE’s recruitment efforts, successful results from the Job Re-creation Programme (JRP) and strong support from government agencies like the Singapore Police Force’s (SPF) Security Industry Regulatory Department (SIRD) and private security employer associations like the Security Association Singapore and Association of Certified Security Agencies (Singapore).
3 With USE’s membership growing rapidly in the last three years, it became imperative for its union leaders and full-time staff to move from a virtual office – first at the Trade Union House at Bras Basah Road and subsequently, at the NTUC Centre at One Marina Boulevard – to a physical office to better reach out to and serve its members. The new USE office at the Waterloo Centre will provide one-stop services for members, private security employees and union leaders, including assistance on membership enrolment, industrial relations and employment matters, and provision of information resources on employment and security issues. It would also be a convenient focal point for them to meet and network.
Transformation of the Private Security Sector
4 USE’s fast-growing membership also underscores the transformation and key developments in the private security sector. Firstly, it highlights the success of the JRP efforts by USE, Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), SIRD, and industry partners in the private security sector. As a result of the JRP, more than 5,000 private security jobs have been re-created over the last three years. This JRP achievement has propelled the partners to progress towards industry re-development, which will further transform this sector to help the private security officers gain better skills, better jobs, better pay and better careers.
5 Secondly, it has helped to raise the sector’s profile from one that has a "low pay, no future" job to one of "better pay, brighter future". This is amidst increasing demand for private security services over the next five years in view of new projects like the new Changi Airport Terminal 3, Integrated Resorts and Formula One races, and an exponential increase in private residential and commercial premises.
6 The transformation and positive profiling of this sector would undoubtedly draw more Singaporeans, including the younger ones, to take on private security jobs as a worthy and challenging career. Mr Lim Swee Say, Secretary-General of the National Trades Union Congress, who was the Guest-of-Honour at the USE office opening ceremony this morning said, “I am impressed by the rapid pace of transformation of the private security sector in recent years. It is the result of the collective determination and efforts of USE and its partners, like MOM, WDA, SIRD and private security companies. Their efforts have enhanced the level of professionalism in this sector, given the officers more opportunities to upgrade their skills and productivity, and offered them better career prospects. In short, a private security job has become one that commands respect and recognition, demands professionalism and offers better working conditions, better pay and better career progression.”
Launch of Young USE
7 With a larger membership of 4,200, of which 25% are 35 years old and below, and with more younger Singaporeans and school leavers joining the private security sector, USE has formed a youth chapter – Young USE, to reach out to and engage its younger members more effectively. Following the formation of the Young USE pro-tem committee in February 2007, the youth chapter was officially launched by Mr Lim this morning.
8 Reflecting the dynamic, professional and refreshed image of the private security sector and the union, four rappellers who are Young USE committee members, performed a daredevil rappel from the fourth floor of the USE office building to mark Young USE’s official launch. Looking ahead, Young USE will continue to organise meaningful activities for its members in 2008.
Launch of USE's 30th Anniversary Celebrations
9 The official opening of USE’s office and launch of Young USE are just two key activities in a series of events that would mark the union’s 30th anniversary celebrations this year. USE will also hold its 30th Anniversary Charity Gala Dinner on 28 November 2008 as part of its celebrations and efforts to raise funds for its bursary and scholarship awards that would benefit the children of its low wage members.
10 Formed on 28 November 1978, USE has since moved with the times and developments in the private security sector. USE now plays a bigger role in transforming this sector for the benefit of private security employees, by working closely as partners in SPF’s Security Industry Forum – a Tripartite workgroup led by SIRD, and in the Security Industry Skills and Training Council driven by WDA. USE also plays a major role in the betterment of wages and working conditions for private security officers, including making representations on their behalf, which resulted in the new Private Security Industry Act being passed in Parliament this year.
11 Additionally, through USE’s active communications efforts, including a dedicated newsletter, Connexion, which was first published in 2005, it has been able to reach out to more private security officers and companies. The wider outreach has enhanced private security officers’ awareness of the benefits that they can enjoy as a union member, and helped the companies tap on NTUC- and government-led financial assistance packages including JRP and the ADVANTAGE! schemes, which would help private security officers in terms of employment. USE has also helped about 1,800 low-wage members and their families with about $114,000 worth of vouchers in 2007 alone.
12 Looking forward, USE hopes that more private security officers and companies (both in-house and external agencies) would join USE as members and member companies respectively so that the union can do more to help more private security officers and members at work, live and play.
N Silva
Union of Security Employees
[1] Out of 900 members, 160 and 740 are Ordinary Branch and General Branch members respectively.
[2] Out of 4,200 members, 2,300 and 1,900 are Ordinary Branch and General Branch members respectively.