Model ID: 898b8386-6e0e-4124-9ce0-43945e0e8c1b Sitecore Context Id: 898b8386-6e0e-4124-9ce0-43945e0e8c1b;

Trained Workers Gain with Better Skills, Jobs and Pay

The pilot 'U Train U Gain' training initiative, launched one year ago by the Unit for Contract and Casual Workers (UCCW) of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)
Model ID: 898b8386-6e0e-4124-9ce0-43945e0e8c1b Sitecore Context Id: 898b8386-6e0e-4124-9ce0-43945e0e8c1b;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 898b8386-6e0e-4124-9ce0-43945e0e8c1b Sitecore Context Id: 898b8386-6e0e-4124-9ce0-43945e0e8c1b;

Trained Workers Gain with Better Skills, Jobs and Pay


18 August 2009

Media Release

1. The pilot 'U Train U Gain' training initiative, launched one year ago by the Unit for Contract and Casual Workers (UCCW) of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), has benefitted 385 contract and casual workers (96% of target1) by equipping them with employability, portable and vocational skills so that they may move from casual to contract work, or from contract to permanent jobs.

2. To motivate contract and casual workers to continue their training, and encourage other workers to upgrade their skills, UCCW introduced a structured progression training path for workers, and those who completed a certain number of training hours are awarded bronze, silver, gold and platinum Badges of Recognition2. The inaugural award ceremony was held in conjunction with the UCCW National Day Observance Ceremony (NDOC) which took place on 19 August 2009 at the Singapore Flyer.

Concerted Efforts to Re-skill and Up-skill Contract and Casual Workers
3. Contract and casual workers, with irregular and unstable income and working hours, face financial and time obstacles in enrolling for and/or attending training courses. To help them overcome these barriers, UCCW sought funding support from the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) to subsidise workers? training fees; and worked closely with employers and training providers to make special arrangements for workers to attend courses either at their workplace, near their homes, or release the workers from work for training.

4. Earlier this year, UCCW approached Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary and Secondary Schools to explore training opportunities for their contract staff. Upon learning the time constraints faced by the workers in attending courses, UCCW brought the trainers to the school to conduct the Attitude, Skills and Knowledge (ASK) Workshop during the March school holidays for 31 contract cleaners, kitchen helpers and general attendants. The schools were highly supportive of the initiative and allowed the contract workers to attend the workshop during working hours. Through the ASK Workshop, the workers were able to understand the changing labour market, job opportunities and employers? expectations, as well as training courses available. And through profiling that determined their skills sets and aspirations, the workers were able to identify suitable training that they need to go through to enhance their employment and employability.

5. Educare, a service provider to schools, is dedicated to building, grooming and nurturing individuals to embark on a career within the school sector as Teacher-Assistants (TA)3 and Administrative Support Assistants (ASA)4, who are deployed to schools as contract support staff. UCCW and Educare believe that TAs and ASAs? can perform more effectively on their jobs if they are better equipped with computer knowledge and information technology skills. As computer courses were conducted during office hours, Educare requested their schools to release them to attend courses. To-date, five TAs and ASAs have successfully completed the Basic Information Communication Technologies (BICT) course.

6. “After the training, the TAs and ASAs came back better equipped with ICT skills; and they look forward to attending intermediate courses in ICT that will enable them to perform more efficiently on their jobs,” said Ms Fara Abdul, Head of School Services of Educare. She added, “Continued support and collaboration with UCCW on training programmes is much appreciated and valued as Educare aims to provide well-trained manpower to schools.”

7. Many contract and casual workers are also mature workers with low educational level. Hence there is a need to help them overcome psychological barriers such as fear and lack of confidence in (re-)picking up the books; as well as understand the need for, and benefits of, training that will improve their employability for better jobs, higher pay and life-long employment.

8. Mr Adrian Ang, Master Trainer and Director of AGB Education Centre, said, "I've conducted numerous workshops for contract and casual workers, and many of them have upgraded themselves and benefited from the workshops. As they are not highly-educated, we need to speak to them in their language to better understand and address their concerns." He continued, "That's why our presentation to contract and casual workers on the benefits of training is conducted in different languages. And as we sincerely hope that more contract and casual workers will step forward to upgrade themselves, we conduct free preview for them to understand how they can benefit from training."

9. Ms Lim Siew Hong, 47, is one worker who benefits from skills upgrading. She was formerly a contract part-time Teacher Assistant of a pre-school institution. She attended an ASK Workshop in December last year, and is currently attending Workplace Information Communication Technologies Applications (WICT) course. She is now a permanent part-time teacher teaching abacus in a tuition centre. She said, “WICT is my first computer course and I?ve learnt useful things that I can apply on my job. In the past, I borrowed worksheets from my colleagues for my students. But now, I can create worksheets for my students with my own questions that are suitable for them. So, not just I benefit but my students too.”

UCCW National Day Observance Ceremony (NDOC) 2009 - Upturn the Downturn Together!
10. On 19 August 2009, Wednesday, more than 800 contract and casual workers, employers, training providers, union leaders, NTUC Family members, Government representatives and partners came together to pledge their allegiance to Singapore during the UCCW NDOC held at the Singapore Flyer.

11. The gathering of all parties who play a part in the re-skilling and up-skilling of contract and casual workers was also symbolic of, and in line with, this year?s overall NDOC theme of the Labour Movement - Upturn the Downturn Together. The Guest-of-Honour for the event was Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, and Manpower.

12. At the event, 12 and 8 contract and casual workers who attained the Bronze or Silver level respectively received Badges of Recognition from Mr Zainudin Nordin, Director of UCCW, and the Guest-of-Honour at an award ceremony held in conjunction with NDOC. To-date, a total of 50 contract and casual workers have successfully attained the Bronze (32 workers) and Silver (18 workers) level under the "U Train U Gain" training initiative. Over the last one year, 385 contract and casual workers have benefitted from the training initiative.

13. Mr Ong Lye Ann, 60, a cleaner at a shopping centre, was one of the Silver Badge recipients. He was formerly a contract hanger assistant with an aerospace company but left the company due to allergies to chemical smell. He participated in an ASK Workshop in December last year, attended Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WPLN) course for beginners, and attained Level 2 in both workplace literacy and numeracy. “I have only primary four education level, and my English is not good as I seldom use it in my previous jobs. After attending the WPLN course, I am able to speak simple English, which is useful on my current job as I need to give directions to shoppers, or answer their questions,” said Mr Ong. He added, “I hope to continue attending WPLN to improve my English. I am also interested in computer lessons, so all the more I have to improve my English.”

14. After the event, all contract and casual workers were treated to a ride on the Singapore Flyer to enjoy breathtaking, panoramic views of the Marina Bay waterfront and Singapore?s cityscape. They also enjoyed stage performances, won prizes at game stalls and received advisory services from the Manpower Ministry and Central Provident Fund Board?s booths at the event.

Zainudin Nordin
Director, Unit for Contract and Casual Workers
National Trades Union Congress

