Model ID: ea9fc48c-3957-410c-9738-5deb5f66c673 Sitecore Context Id: ea9fc48c-3957-410c-9738-5deb5f66c673;

Tower Transit Signs MOU

The first bus operator to be awarded the Government Contracting Model package signs MOU with NTWU to ensure a smooth transition for workers.
Model ID: ea9fc48c-3957-410c-9738-5deb5f66c673 Sitecore Context Id: ea9fc48c-3957-410c-9738-5deb5f66c673;
20 Nov 2015
Model ID: ea9fc48c-3957-410c-9738-5deb5f66c673 Sitecore Context Id: ea9fc48c-3957-410c-9738-5deb5f66c673;

By Ryan Chan

Tower Transit Singapore Pte Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) on 12 November 2015, with both parties agreeing on employment terms offered to affected workers.

Tower Transit, who won the first of 12 bus packages, will operate out of the Bulim bus depot, with 26 bus services originating from the Jurong East, Bukit Batok and Clementi bus interchanges.

Signed by Tower Transit CEO Adam Leishman and NTWU Executive Secretary Ong Chin Ang, the terms of the MOU will give workers who opt to join Tower Transit higher basic wages by at least five per cent, streamlined job scope, more career progression opportunities and a host of employment benefits such as free travel on public transport and family-friendly leave entitlements.

Workers are also given sponsorship for Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) courses to upskill themselves.

Satisfied With Terms

When the Land Transport Authority’s (LTA) announced the results of the first bus package tender on 8 May this year, NTWU set up the Bus Contracting Transition Committee (BCTC) to seek three assurances for the 500 affected workers: to be offered a job by the incoming operator; be offered employment terms not worse off than enjoyed under the outgoing operator; and be given the choice to join the new operator or be redeployed by the incumbent.

Following the MOU signing, the union released a statement.

Mr Ong said: “NTWU is glad that Tower Transit supports the role of the union, and has since involved the union actively in discussions pertaining to concerns of and feedback from the affected employees.

“A strong sectoral tripartite relationship is critical in ensuring a smooth implementation of the bus contracting model. It is thus important that LTA, Tower Transit and the outgoing operator continue to work closely with NTWU as we progress into the later stages of the transition, and to ensure that the affected employees are duly cared for.”

Source: NTUC This Week
