By Shukry Rashid
When was the last time you logged into NTUC’s U Portal to find out what lurks in the e-services page? We all know NTUC provides a wide range of services ranging from events to updating your personal information. The e-services page is where you can actually access these services.
Know someone who wants to sign up for an NTUC membership? Click on Refer a Friend and you will have some reward coming your way! There’s no limit to the number of friends or family members you can invite.
Update your personal data and also find out how NTUC is using your personal data. Click on PDPA – Access Report and expect a response soon enough!
Events Registration
Did you know that you can even register for events and get a member’s discount while you’re at it? Search for events by categories such as management, sports, entrepreneurship and even gaming to sign up for something that interests you.
Better at Work
If you haven’t heard, all NTUC members are eligible for the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) to defray the cost of training. Through the e-services UTAP application page, you can apply for the funding for eligible courses.
Having an issue at work and not sure who to turn to? Fret not, just send in your enquiry through the e-services workplace advisory page if you need advice or assistance on workplace issues or employment-related matters.
Good to Know
To access the e-services, please have your U Portal username and password ready. If you are already an NTUC member and would like to sign up as a U Portal user, proceed to the U Portal signup page.