Model ID: 3a09e414-cbd5-4913-85ea-523300b60ba5 Sitecore Context Id: 3a09e414-cbd5-4913-85ea-523300b60ba5;

They Bring SUN-shine to Your Worklife

Fellow colleagues, if you didn’t already know, SUN has a new exco! Time to find out what they are doing for U!
Model ID: 3a09e414-cbd5-4913-85ea-523300b60ba5 Sitecore Context Id: 3a09e414-cbd5-4913-85ea-523300b60ba5;
By Shukry Rashid 04 Jul 2018
Model ID: 3a09e414-cbd5-4913-85ea-523300b60ba5 Sitecore Context Id: 3a09e414-cbd5-4913-85ea-523300b60ba5;

Featured Photo: (Back row from the left) Young SUN Delegate Alan Yong, General Secretary Ang Jia Da, Member Jagathiswaran Rajo, Assistant General Secretary Don Lim. (Front row from the left) Assistant General Treasurer Lin Xinyi, President Ong Kai Yan, Assistant General Secretary Jillene Tan.

You may work alongside them every day, but they are also your union leaders who stand ever ready to help you out with workplace matters and plan activities to keep you entertained all year round.

If you don’t already know, we’re talking about the good people behind SUN. It has a new exco for the term of 2018–2021, and here are a few things you should know!

The new exco has Sis Ong Kai Yan from UWEEI as president; Bro Ng Zihao from SISEU as vice-president; Bro Ang Jia Da as GS (Level 14 YDU); Sis Jillene Tan (Level 11 CCD) and Bro Don Lim from CIEU, both of whom are AGS; and Bro Kenneth Goh as GT (Level 14 MED).

For colleagues working in e2i, AGT Sis Lin Xinyi and Young SUN delegate Evangeline Tan are your go-to girls.

What’s in it for U?

Just like any other union, SUN takes pride in representing and protecting its members.

Kai Yan said: “Our key goal is to work with the ARU management to work out the best package possible on two objectives: the livelihoods of our members and the sustainability of the organisation.”

She added that these objectives are very important, and negotiations can stretch for a few months.

For example, SUN is already negotiating with the management for a new three-year CA expected to be out in September this year. On an annual basis, SUN will also negotiate with the management on the AVC, PB and yearly increments.

“We are grateful for the partnership that we have with the management thus far. We don’t take it for granted. We hope to work more with the ground and gain more sensing to form a more sustainable partnership,” explained Kai Yan.

The current unionisation rate stands at over 90 per cent. And, if you didn’t already know this, you can use your flexi-benefit to pay for membership fees.

Who to Look for What

If you have any workplace issues, SUN would like to know more by meeting you after working hours or through a call. Feel free to approach any of the exco members in your department or contact SUN.

For matters pertaining to Back to School vouchers, U-Stretch vouchers, NTUC Gift, and so on, look for Xinyi or Jagathiswaran from HSEU.

If you have any enquiries or feedback on the SUN gym at NTUC Centre, or would like to book the gym or studio, you can approach AGS Jillene Tan or VP Ng Zihao.

For U Games and U Sports activities, news and sign-ups, you can look for Xinyi or VP Zihao.

For the monthly ARU-SUN soccer activity, approach Young SUN delegate Alan Yong from SMT.

For other membership matters, go to Don or Kenneth.

Have an idea and want to partner SUN in organising an activity for members? Your go-to person is Member Wilson Tham.

Also, watch this space for SUN’s upcoming D&D happening on 30 November!