Model ID: 5e5e2579-e0f1-4bfa-b7da-8350a660488d Sitecore Context Id: 5e5e2579-e0f1-4bfa-b7da-8350a660488d;

The keys to building strong and happy families 3 SRs Self Reliance, Strong Relationships, Social R

U Family, a key driver of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to build up a community of "strong and happy families" in Singapore through the development of family-focused initiatives and programmes, outlines its 3 SR strategies Self Reliance, Strong Relationships, Social Resilience.
Model ID: 5e5e2579-e0f1-4bfa-b7da-8350a660488d Sitecore Context Id: 5e5e2579-e0f1-4bfa-b7da-8350a660488d;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 5e5e2579-e0f1-4bfa-b7da-8350a660488d Sitecore Context Id: 5e5e2579-e0f1-4bfa-b7da-8350a660488d;

13 Apr 2010





The keys to building strong and happy families 3 SRs – Self Reliance, Strong Relationships, Social Resilience


31 July 2009


1 U Family, a key driver of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to build up a community of "strong and happy families" in Singapore through the development of family-focused initiatives and programmes, outlines its 3 SR strategies – Self Reliance, Strong Relationships, Social Resilience.

2 Launching its 'Family, My Number 1' award in alignment with the second SR, Strong Relationships, U Family aims to rally 1,000 families to make a pledge towards placing their families as first priority by 2010 at today's Pak Tor With U @ The Movies. Families will be invited on stage to sign and make their pledge together with Guest-of-Honour, Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Minister of State, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.

3 SRs - Self Reliance, Strong Relationships, Social Resilience
3 The first SR – Self Reliance, expands beyond soft skills to provide avenues of information for working people and those with families to better manage their work-life issues and finances. The emphasis is to help them build their knowledge through U Family's coordination and suite of seminars and talks with relevant topic experts and partners. These educational talks are delivered in a fun and entertaining way through games and activities so that they are easily digested across the Labour Movement's membership make-up of different collars, ages and nationalities.

4 To build on the second SR – Strong Relationships, U Family has been organising family-bonding activities under the U Family @ Play Series for its members. Strong Relationships also apply beyond building good relationships with children but also between spouses. During last year's inaugural Pak Tor With U @ The Movies, a record-breaking 1,000 members and couples came to re-live their courtship days during the outdoor movie-screening event.

5 Growing from 9,000 to its current 18,000-strong online membership community ( since its inception in October 2007, U Family continues to pursue its vision of building happiness within families. The third SR - Social Resilience, has been developed in response to the economic downturn to equip families with life skills to cope with the downturn. U Family together with its partners, the National Family Council (NFC) and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), has created the Family Resilience Series of talks such as the “Outwit, Outlive and Outlast the Global Downturn”. Since its launch in January this year, these talks have reached out to 3,152 participants.

U Family Pak Tor With U @ The Movies
6 The U Family Pak Tor With U @ The Movies returns for a second time this year where couples and families come together for an evening of fun at the Esplanade Park. A screening of the local animation movie, “Sing to the Dawn” and other fringe activities throughout the evening have been specially planned. Please refer to Annex A for programme.

7 Today's event is held in conjunction with U Family's National Day Observance Ceremony (NDOC) 2009, where families will celebrate Singapore's 44th birthday. The Labour Movement's overarching NDOC theme of “Upturn the Downturn Together”, is a call to workers, unionists, their families, and the tripartite partners to continue to work in concert to overcome the economic storm together. Recognising that strong families are the foundation of social resilience, U Family plays its part by gathering an expected 2,000 family members together this evening to experience the nation's pride through singing the national anthem and reciting the national pledge together.

8 To mark this occasion, Guest-of-Honour, Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, also launched the 'Family, My Number 1' award, through pledging to place her family as top priority and sharing photos of her happy family moments. Spearheaded by U Family, this pledge and photo contest encourages family members who are proud to declare that they are one another’s number one to step out to share with everyone the special things they do for their families. Please refer to Annex B for contest information.

9 24 year-old U Family member, Soong Jia Wei shares her thoughts on this evening's programme. “As a working mum, I look forward to spending my free time with my family. No words can describe the happiness I feel when I get my “family time” with my husband and son after a hard day's work. U Family events provide us with the chance to spend a fun day out together, without spending too much money. The event today is exciting as we can watch a movie outdoors and get to view the fireworks display of National Day as well.”

Ms Toh Hwee Tin
Family Development Unit (U Family)
National Trades Union Congress


'Family, My Number 1' Award:

Visit to fill up a form and submit a photo, along with a description of the special things your family does to make family a number one priority. You can also log in to view and cast your vote for your favourite entries.

1st: Family, My Number 1 Award + $1000
2nd: Family, My Number 1 Award + $600
3rd: Family, My Number 1 Award + $300
3 consolation prizes: Family, My Number 1 Award + $200

Prizes for viewers:
10 lucky viewers who votes for the entries will receive a cash prize of $100 each.

Bonus Prizes:
If the above selected winners are NTUC members, they will get $100 FairPrice vouchers as a bonus prize! This applies to winners who made submissions for this contest and is not applicable to voting viewers.

Submissions for the award will end on 30 September 2009 and voting ends on 11 October 2009.


