Model ID: 3a170c99-30ba-42d8-99b9-06aacd5c8fd1 Sitecore Context Id: 3a170c99-30ba-42d8-99b9-06aacd5c8fd1;

The Migrant Workers Health & Safety Fair 2010

The Migrant Workers Centre (MWC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), is collaborating with HealthServe Ltd to hold a Health & Safety Fair for 15,000 migrant workers. Participants at the fair will learn tips on how to achieve better health and ensure personal safety.
Model ID: 3a170c99-30ba-42d8-99b9-06aacd5c8fd1 Sitecore Context Id: 3a170c99-30ba-42d8-99b9-06aacd5c8fd1;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 3a170c99-30ba-42d8-99b9-06aacd5c8fd1 Sitecore Context Id: 3a170c99-30ba-42d8-99b9-06aacd5c8fd1;

30 May 2010

The Migrant Workers Centre (MWC), a bipartite initiative between the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), is collaborating with HealthServe Ltd to hold a “Health & Safety Fair” for 15,000 migrant workers on 30 May 2010, Sunday.  Participants at the fair will learn tips on how to achieve better health and ensure personal safety, both at their workplaces and in their daily lives.

Volunteers of HealthServe will provide free health screening which include height/weight/BMI measurement, blood pressure test, and random blood glucose test for the migrant workers.  For a worker who requires further check-up and/or test after going through the free health screening, HealthServe will also offer customised advice and referral to the worker.  "Often, these workers come to Singapore in their prime years and are usually in the pink of health.  However, they may be over focused in their work and neglect the need to take care of their personal health and in particular, overlook any early tell-tale signs.  Through the medical screening and medical advisory, we hope to stress the importance of early detection of illnesses, which can then facilitate early treatment," said Dr Goh Wei Leong, Chairman of HealthServe Ltd.

Besides personal health and safety, Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, Co-Chairman of the MWC, emphasised that health and safety at the workplace is of equal importance.  Mr Yeo said, “According to the 2009 Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Statistics Report[1], it is heartening to know that there had been an overall drop in workplace injuries and occupational diseases in 2009.  The number of fatalities, however, saw a 4.5% increase.  We agree with the WSH Council’s calls on industry to take a timely relook at their WSH practices.  The employers must do more to keep their workers safe at work, prevent unnecessary loss of life, while playing a role to drive productivity.  Workers also have to play their parts to adhere to the workplace health and safety rules."

In response to the recent news article on the appalling conditions of some workers’ dormitories, Mr Heng Chee How, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General, who is the Guest-of-Honour for the event, said, “Foreign workers come here to earn a living.  They deserve decent and hygienic living conditions, and safe work places.  Employers and those who provide lodging must ensure this.  Relevant agencies must check on hygiene standards and enforce against providers who flout them.  This is part and parcel of making sure that Singapore's occupational safety and public health are safeguarded. We must not take our eyes off this ball."

Mr Heng Chee How will join the migrant workers in a mass work out exercise before touring the event ground.

[1] Report released by the Workplace Safety and Health Council in March 2010
