Model ID: 39c8f719-9e07-4658-9461-04b29d877a9f Sitecore Context Id: 39c8f719-9e07-4658-9461-04b29d877a9f;

The Labour Movement thanks Professor Lim Pin for his contributions and service to the National Wages Council

The Labour Movement thanks Professor Lim Pin for his strong leadership while serving as the Chairman of the National Wages Council (NWC) from 2001 to 2014.
Model ID: 39c8f719-9e07-4658-9461-04b29d877a9f Sitecore Context Id: 39c8f719-9e07-4658-9461-04b29d877a9f;
13 Apr 2015
Model ID: 39c8f719-9e07-4658-9461-04b29d877a9f Sitecore Context Id: 39c8f719-9e07-4658-9461-04b29d877a9f;

The Labour Movement thanks Professor Lim Pin for his strong leadership while serving as the Chairman of the National Wages Council (NWC) from 2001 to 2014. He has always been passionate in helping our mature workers and low wage workers, hence a quantitative built-in wage increase was introduced in 2012 for low-wage workers. He has always paid close attention to productivity and has nudged employers to do more to ensure wage increases are sustainable.


Prof Lim had been a very impartial and understanding leader who listened to all parties and ensured consensus was reached. He ensured there was always a win-win-win outcome for all – employers, unions and the government. These qualities have helped to strengthen and deepen the trust and cooperation between the tripartite partners.


Singapore has enjoyed harmonious industrial relations for the past 50 years because of its unique and successful tripartite relationship, and the NWC will continue to play an important role to foster and strengthen this spirit of tripartite partnership.


The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) looks forward to work with the new NWC Chairman, Mr Peter Seah, as we continue to work together to improve wage outcomes for Singaporeans and to keep our economy competitive.


Ms Cham Hui Fong

Assistant Secretary-General

National Trades Union Congress


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