Model ID: e3935dc5-d52e-48a9-b663-2df62c327406 Sitecore Context Id: e3935dc5-d52e-48a9-b663-2df62c327406;

The Labour Movement responds to Population White Paper

As union leaders, we are naturally concerned with the National Population and Talent Divisions (NPTD) projection that Singapores population could reach 6.9 million by 2030 and that our infrastructure will be further stretched and we will have more competition for jobs and higher cost of living.
Model ID: e3935dc5-d52e-48a9-b663-2df62c327406 Sitecore Context Id: e3935dc5-d52e-48a9-b663-2df62c327406;
01 Feb 2013
Model ID: e3935dc5-d52e-48a9-b663-2df62c327406 Sitecore Context Id: e3935dc5-d52e-48a9-b663-2df62c327406;

As union leaders, we are naturally concerned with the National Population and Talent Division’s (NPTD) projection that Singapore’s population could reach 6.9 million by 2030 and that our infrastructure will be further stretched and we will have more competition for jobs and higher cost of living. The proportion of Singaporeans may drop further and this may result in greater social tension.

We recognise, however, the importance of looking ahead so that we can see the future and shape it together. As union leaders and Singaporeans and on behalf of the members that we serve, we would like to reflect the ground sentiments and call on the Government and our fellow Singaporeans to focus on the following important areas:  

First and foremost, we must be mindful that the slowdown in economic growth could lead to higher unemployment and stagnation of wages. Whilst we recognise that as our economy matures, our economic and manpower growth will slow down, but we must not overdo it and lose sight of keeping unemployment low and fending off wage stagnation. At the same time, we must pay special attention to vulnerable workers to ensure that they too can have better jobs, better pay and lead better lives.  

Second, assure Singaporeans that the infrastructure of 2020 and 2030 will be better than the infrastructure of today. It is important to solve the problems of today decisively so as to build confidence and prevent the problem of today from snowballing into a bigger problem tomorrow; in particular, the availability and affordability of housing, reliability and adequacy of public transport, shorter waiting times and affordable healthcare.

Third, Singaporeans must always come first as we grow our population. As we see more non-residents in Singapore, we must also see more babies born here. From education to healthcare, jobs and wages, we must ensure that the interests of Singaporeans come first. The standard of living and quality of life of Singaporeans must only get better and not worse.

Fourth, a bigger population should not lead to higher inflation and a less sustainable environment. There will be greater demand for daily essentials. A bigger population will also put a greater strain on our environment with higher energy consumption, air pollution, etc.  Steps must be taken to ensure the security of supply and a greener and cleaner environment.

Last but not least, this journey towards Singapore 2030 should be a journey of all round engagement between the Government and Singaporeans. The debate in Parliament and adoption of the White Paper should not be a one-off exercise. There must be periodical reviews and continued engagement. This will strengthen trust, co-ownership, confidence and involvement by Singaporeans in creating Singapore 2020 and 2030 together.

Union Leaders at the Dialogue:

Mr Arasu Duraisamy, First Deputy General Secretary, Singapore Port Workers Union (SPWU)

Ms Ariel Loh, Vice President, Singapore Teachers’ Union (STU)  

Ms Calista Roch, Vice President, Education Services Union (ESU)

Mr Daniel Lai, President, Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board Employees (AUSBE)

Mr Edwin Lye, General Secretary, Singapore Teachers’ Union (STU)

Mr Elvin Lee, Deputy Secretary-General, The Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers’ Union (SMMWU)

Mr Fang Chin Poh, General Secretary, National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU)

Mr Freddy Lim, President, Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers’ Union (SURAWU)

Mr Gregory De Silva, General Secretary, Singapore Airlines Staff Union (SIASU)

Ms Helen Tan, Vice President, Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE)

Ms Jasmine Chua, General Secretary, DBS Staff Union (DBSSU)

Mr K. Karthikeyan, General Secretary, United Workers of Petroleum Industry (UWPI)

Mr Luke Hee, General Secretary, Singapore Insurance Employees’ Union (SIEU)
Mr Lim Kuang Beng, General Secretary, Singapore Industrial & Services Employees’ Union (SISEU)

Mr Lim Teck Chuan, General Secretary, Metal Industries Workers’ Union (MIWU)

Mr Nachiappan s/o R. K. S., General Secretary, Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE)

Mr Ong Choon Fatt, Branch Official (Traders' Hotel), Food, Drinks and Allied Workers’ Union (FDAWU)

Mr Tan Richard, General Secretary, United Workers of Electronics and Electrical Industries (UWEEI)

Mr Terence Tan, Chairman, Young Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU)

Mr Wong Chong Hock, Deputy General Secretary, National Taxi Association (NTA)
