Model ID: a86f3991-620c-41e3-93de-c83968a7d1a1 Sitecore Context Id: a86f3991-620c-41e3-93de-c83968a7d1a1;

The Labour Movement Salutes Mr Lee Kuan Yew

It is with heavy hearts and deep sadness that the Labour Movement learned of the demise of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. To the National Trades Union Congress, affiliated unions and all in the Labour Movement, it means the losing of the founding father of independent Singapore, and a dear brother to our workers.
Model ID: a86f3991-620c-41e3-93de-c83968a7d1a1 Sitecore Context Id: a86f3991-620c-41e3-93de-c83968a7d1a1;
23 Mar 2015
Model ID: a86f3991-620c-41e3-93de-c83968a7d1a1 Sitecore Context Id: a86f3991-620c-41e3-93de-c83968a7d1a1;

It is with heavy hearts and deep sadness that the Labour Movement learned of the demise of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. To the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), affiliated unions and all in the Labour Movement, it means the losing of the founding father of independent Singapore, and a dear brother to our workers. We share the family’s grief and extend our deepest condolences to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and family.

Mr Lee Kuan Yew was a true fighter for our workers. From the time he fought alongside the Postal and Telecommunications Uniformed Staff Union for better pay and terms, he has always had the welfare and interests of workers at heart and in mind. As the co-founder of the People’s Action Party (PAP), he forged a strong symbiotic relationship with the NTUC. As the first Prime Minister of Singapore, he championed a strong spirit of tripartism, bringing labour, management and government together. Because of his care and concern for the people, countless workers have benefitted from fair treatment, higher wages and better conditions at the workplace. It is because of him that we, as a people, can lay claim to better jobs, better lives and brighter futures ahead.

We will miss his selfless leadership and unwavering support to the unions and workers of Singapore that have steered the Labour Movement to where we are today. Our gratitude and respect for him is immeasurable. We will always remember him.

Diana Chia
National Trades Union Congress

Lim Swee Say
National Trades Union Congress


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