Model ID: 60d705ba-3514-4d8b-8aa4-fd17f953d519 Sitecore Context Id: 60d705ba-3514-4d8b-8aa4-fd17f953d519;

The Journey to Labour Movement 2015

Three resolutions passed at NTUC Extraordinary Delegates Conference to pave the way for the Labour Movement 2015 vision
Model ID: 60d705ba-3514-4d8b-8aa4-fd17f953d519 Sitecore Context Id: 60d705ba-3514-4d8b-8aa4-fd17f953d519;
13 Oct 2011
Model ID: 60d705ba-3514-4d8b-8aa4-fd17f953d519 Sitecore Context Id: 60d705ba-3514-4d8b-8aa4-fd17f953d519;

1    The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) held an Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference (EDC) today, in which three resolutions were deliberated before the union delegates were called upon to vote their choice in each of the resolutions.  There were 629 union delegates and observers from 60 affiliated unions and one association who attended the EDC.

2    During the EDC, all three resolutions were passed.  A total of 367 union delegates from 60 affiliated unions cast their votes.

Resolution I – Singaporeans First

For:           363 votes (99%)

Against:       4 votes

3    The EDC notes that as outlined by the Economic Strategies Committee’s report, Singapore’s next phase of growth must be both sustainable and inclusive so as to drive broad-based increase in living standards for all citizens.

4    The delegates reaffirm that sustainable and inclusive growth must be productivity-led, involving all workers, resulting in broad-based real wage increase.

5    The EDC resolves that management must take the lead to improve productivity and that unions must rally workers to upgrade existing skills and/or acquire new skills, adapt to new technology, tools and equipment to improve the way work is done; and unions and management must ensure that the gains achieved from higher productivity are fairly shared with workers through better wages and better jobs.

Resolution II – Members First

For:           356 votes (97%)

Against:     11 votes

6    The EDC recognises that the strength of the Labour Movement lies in a strong and growing membership representing workers of all collars, ages and nationalities.

7    The delegates resolve that the Labour Movement must constantly define new membership strategies in response to the changing profile of the workforce and enhance outreach to expand the scope of representation beyond the existing base to include the growing community of professionals, managers and executives.

Resolution III – Unions First

For:           322 votes (88%)

Against:      43 votes

Spoilt:            2 votes

8    The EDC notes that affiliates of the NTUC recognise the importance of leadership induction, development and renewal through the 3-Flow (Flow-In, Flow-Up and Flow-On) approach.

9    The delegates reaffirm the desire of the Central Committee to lead by example at the highest level of the Labour Movement.

10    The delegates resolve that notwithstanding in the Constitution of the NTUC, no delegate/member shall be eligible to stand for election or be appointed as a member of the Central Committee of the NTUC if the delegate/member has reached the statutory retirement age at the time of the election.  In addition, any Central Committee member who reaches the statutory retirement age at any time after the election but before the completion of the full term of office shall cease to be a member of the Central Committee as of that date.

Heng Chee How

Deputy Secretary-General

National Trades Union Congress
