In celebration of International Women’s Day, Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU) encouraged members to write about inspiring female colleagues in their workplace. The nominees and the nominators were rewarded with $50 worth of NTUC FairPrice vouchers each. Here are three inspiring stories.
A Shining Example
Ms Wang Mei from Raffles Country Club is a foreign worker who left her family behind in China and came to Singapore for employment. She took efforts to blend into the Singapore culture very quickly. Now, as a Food and Beverage (F&B) waitress, she sets a great example to her colleagues with her great attitude and excellent service attitude.
Nominator - Ithnin Awang, Raffles Country Club
A Passionate Recruiter
Ms Helen Ong is from Singapore Island Country Club. Although not being part of the Union Branch Committee, she goes the extra mile to engage and update union members in the Club about activities and other important information. She also takes pride in introducing new colleagues to the union.
Nominator - Azmi Mahmood, Singapore Island Country Club
A Caring Boss
Ms Lucy Yap from NTUC Club is a caring superior who treats her staff well and leads them with passion. A working mother herself, she understands the challenges of having to juggle between work and family. She voices out ideas and opinions on various women related work issues for the betterment of her female colleagues’ welfare. She inspires with her management skills.
Nominator - Evelyn Goh, NTUC Club