Philip Lee’s success in his union work tells us that we do not have to be extroverted and loud to be effective union leaders – quiet confidence works just as well.
He dedicated his life to serving his union members in the Singapore Industrial and Services Employees’ Union (SISEU), climbing his way up from branch chair for ST Aerospace to becoming the general treasurer, to helming the union as general secretary.
After 26 years of service as a unionist, Philip retired from work and stepped down from his post as SISEU general secretary and as an NTUC Central Committee member on 23 April 2019. He turned 62 this year.
Nice, patient, humble, close to the ground, dedicated – these are some of the things that come to mind for those who know Philip.
“A lot of people will for sure remember me as the white-haired man. I always like to joke around when the time is right. But when it’s time to be serious, of course, I’ll be serious. But I hope people know that I tried my best to help wherever and whenever I was needed,” he said.
Some of the roles Philip helmed in his time with the union included being chairman of the NTUC U Live Committee and NTUC Club Advisory Committee for Happy Days; vice-chairman of the Training Committee for manufacturing, as well as the aerospace and aviation cluster committees.
In his time with these committees, Philip always looked at ways to make lives better for workers and their families.
Philip was also a member of the Ong Teng Cheong Education Trust Fund Management Committee and Training Council, and an alternate member of the Industrial Workers Education and Training Fund (IWETF) Committee.
At the national level, Philip was a member of the Agency for Care Effective Council, Tripartite Workgroup on Older Workers, where he represented the Labour Movement with distinction.
“To be honest, I couldn’t have done all these things without the support from my union colleagues, employers and especially my wife, Grace, who was my pillar,” said Philip.
In a letter to Philip, NTUC President Mary Liew and Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng said: “Throughout your years with us, you have advocated with conviction ideas and suggestions on labour issues for our workers and the Labour Movement. You were never one to take the limelight, but workers knew you were always there for them.
“For that, we are deeply appreciative of the impact you have made. On behalf of the NTUC Central Committee and the Labour Movement, we wish you a happy retirement, and remember, you will always be part of the Labour Movement.”
Leadership renewal is not an easy thing to ensure, but unions must try their hardest to ensure there is a pipeline for young unionists.
“Leadership renewal is very important. But as advice for those who want to serve is that you shouldn’t come in for self-interest, because people can see through that. And whoever is responsible for mentoring our young union leaders must do it properly. Young union leaders must know that union work isn’t sitting down and drinking kopi with the management. It takes a lot of sacrifices to be a good and effective leader,” said Philip.
Although he has no big plans, Philip said that he might want to be an employment coach or contribute in some way to raise the awareness of the benefits in becoming a union member.
For his parting message to the Labour Movement, Philip said for them to “never walk alone.” Although he’s not a big football fan, he wanted to borrow the quote from Liverpool FC. Philip said that tripartism will only work if management, union and Government come together.
“If they don’t understand each other, no matter how good the plans one party can come up with, it will never be agreed. So never walk alone. Always walk together,” said Philip.