Model ID: 235f6294-1181-4039-8f29-74a7520eb245 Sitecore Context Id: 235f6294-1181-4039-8f29-74a7520eb245;

Taxi Operators' Associations welcome the Government's and Taxi Companies' Assistance for Taxi Driver

The Taxi Operators Associations (TOA) welcome the Governments announcement in its FY 2009 Budget Statement that it will grant a waiver of the Special Tax
Model ID: 235f6294-1181-4039-8f29-74a7520eb245 Sitecore Context Id: 235f6294-1181-4039-8f29-74a7520eb245;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 235f6294-1181-4039-8f29-74a7520eb245 Sitecore Context Id: 235f6294-1181-4039-8f29-74a7520eb245;

Taxi Operators' Associations welcome the Government's and Taxi Companies' Assistance for Taxi Drivers

23 January 2009

Media Statement

1 The Taxi Operators’ Associations (TOA) welcome the Government’s announcement in its FY 2009 Budget Statement that it will grant a waiver of the Special Tax or Diesel Tax for taxis that are not hired out in the period from 1 March 2009 to 28 February 2010, and a road tax rebate of 30% for taxis for one year with effect from 1 July 2009.

2 The TOA are further cheered that the taxi companies have agreed to pass on these cost savings to taxi drivers. We will actively work with the taxi companies on the ways to pass on these savings. These cost savings for taxi drivers are timely and would help our members and taxi drivers cope with the impact of lower demand for taxi services as a result of the economic downturn. Our members and taxi drivers are relieved that much needed assistance has been extended to help them during this difficult and uncertain period.

3 The TOA are very glad that our tripartite partners, namely, the Ministry of Transport, Land Transport Authority (LTA) and the six taxi companies, have taken our suggestions to take steps in helping the taxi drivers in surviving this economic downturn. In fact, TOA has worked with our tripartite partners in exploring ways to help taxi drivers to “upturn the downturn” since late last year. Subsequently, Mr Seng Han Thong, Adviser to the TOA, unveiled three strategies, on 9 January 2009, to help taxi drivers by:

i) creating more demand for taxi services through the setting up of temporary taxi stands during festive seasons;

ii) requesting the Government to allow taxi companies to lay up their un-hired taxis and pass on the cost savings to taxi drivers; and

iii) upgrading taxi drivers’ capabilities through training.

4 Earlier this month, the first strategy had been realised. At TOA’s request, LTA set up a temporary taxi stop in Chinatown with another one for the duration of River Hongbao starting tomorrow, 24 Jan. These taxi stops would provide accessibility and convenience for commuters to take taxis during the Chinese New Year and create more demand for taxi services.

5 TOA will continue to work hard in implementing these strategies laid down by Mr Seng in addition to other programmes and mechanisms that are already in place to help our members and taxi drivers tide over this difficult period.

6 We would also like to take this opportunity to wish our advisor, who has been working tirelessly to champion the cause of taxi drivers, a speedy recovery, as many TOA leaders, members and taxi drivers alike have expressed well wishes and deep concerns for him.

Jointly issued by:

Robin Ng Kian Tiong, President, CityCab Operators’ Association
Nah Tua Bah, President, Comfort Taxi Operators’ Association
Foo Chi Yong, President, Premier Taxi Operators’ Association
Kong Nay Foo, President, SMART Cab Operators’ Association
Chia Hock Peng, President, SMRT Taxi Operators’ Association
Ong Hian Teck, President, Trans-Cab Operators’ Association

