Model ID: 69394df0-94a5-49cd-8e86-4da0c178ce4f Sitecore Context Id: 69394df0-94a5-49cd-8e86-4da0c178ce4f;

Taxi Operators' Associations' Joint Response to Letter in "Voices"

Taxi Operators' Associations' Joint Response to Letter in "Voices"
Model ID: 69394df0-94a5-49cd-8e86-4da0c178ce4f Sitecore Context Id: 69394df0-94a5-49cd-8e86-4da0c178ce4f;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 69394df0-94a5-49cd-8e86-4da0c178ce4f Sitecore Context Id: 69394df0-94a5-49cd-8e86-4da0c178ce4f;

Taxi Operators' Associations' Joint Response to Letter in "Voices"

18 May 2005 

News Editor
MediaCorp Press Ltd

I refer to Mr Andrew Ng Mun Keong’s letter, “More must be done to boost incomes of taxi drivers here”, (May 17).

On behalf of the six taxi operators’ associations, I thank Mr Ng for echoing the concerns of taxi drivers here, and assure him and our taxi drivers that the associations and the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) have been, and will continue to be, fully committed to their interests and welfare.  I am also pleased to share with Mr Ng the associations’ and NTUC’s roles and contributions.

The associations have always been in close consultation with taxi companies and the Government on the issue of taxi drivers’ earnings.  This is a complex issue that does not have straightforward solutions.

With the de-regulation of taxi meter fares in 1998, taxi companies could adjust taxi meter fares based on demand and supply, without having to seek approval from the Government.  The associations have been determined in helping our taxi drivers achieve more equitable income through their collective bargaining efforts.

For example, when SARS hit Singapore in 2003, the associations immediately appealed to the Government to temporarily reduce taxi diesel tax and negotiated with taxi companies to lower taxi rentals.  These measures helped our taxi drivers save on millions of dollars.

With the support of taxi companies, the associations also set up island-wide temperature checkpoints to restore public confidence in the taxi service. With NTUC’s help, the associations raised $400,000 to fund the taxi drivers’ saving scheme.

More recently, diesel prices shot up and eroded taxi drivers’ net take-home pay significantly, even though their gross income had climbed back to the pre-SARS level. The associations negotiated with taxi companies to give out diesel rebates, translating into millions of dollars of savings for our taxi drivers.

As Mr Ng observed, our taxi drivers are regarded as self-employed persons and thus, are not able to join any unions. However, they can become members of the associations, which are affiliated to NTUC.

As members, they enjoy similar representations and unionised benefits as trade union members – handling hundreds of members’ appeals and grievances each year, and making representations on their behalf to the relevant authorities and taxi companies.

Membership has grown steadily over the years – ranging from 40 to 60 per cent across the associations, testimony to the value-add the associations offer and the hard work our elected leaders and full-time staff put in.

Additionally, the Singapore Taxi Academy, with support of the associations and taxi companies, is pivotal in ensuring that all our taxi drivers enjoy training benefits, just like union members or employed persons.
The associations are coordinated and cohesive in enhancing our members’ interests and welfare.  This is evident from the dialogue session with the Transport Minister organised recently, to discuss issues concerning our taxi drivers in a liberalised taxi industry.  I strongly encourage Mr Ng and fellow taxi drivers to join the associations so that we can achieve more as a team.

Chang Meng Dong
Executive Secretary
Citycab Operators’ Association
Comfort Taxi Operators’ Association
SmartCab Operators’ Association
SMRT Taxi Operators’ Association
PremierTaxi Operators’ Association
TransCab Operators’ Association

