Model ID: a6856748-737b-4363-993c-a79660d8801a Sitecore Context Id: a6856748-737b-4363-993c-a79660d8801a;

Tanjong Kling Fire

CIEU to work with company to ramp up safety measures after a fire breaks at a warehouse. No casualties reported.
Model ID: a6856748-737b-4363-993c-a79660d8801a Sitecore Context Id: a6856748-737b-4363-993c-a79660d8801a;
21 Mar 2017
Model ID: a6856748-737b-4363-993c-a79660d8801a Sitecore Context Id: a6856748-737b-4363-993c-a79660d8801a;

By Shukry Rashid

A fire broke out at 23 Tanjong Kling Road on 21 March 2017 afternoon. The warehouse belongs to NSL OilChem, an oil-and-chemical management company that specialises in both waste management and distribution of fuels, lubricants and automobile products.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) was alerted to the fire at about 12.15pm. Three fire engines, three Red Rhinos, two firebikes, one ambulance, two Unmanned Firefighting Machines and seven support vehicles were dispatched.

The fire, which involved flammable and corrosive waste materials, was extinguished within two hours.

SCDF added: “There are no reported injuries, and the cause of fire is under investigation.”

Union at Work

The Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU), which NSL OilChem is unionised under, sent its industrial relations team immediately after hearing of the incident.

Some 110 workers were evacuated and housed in a sister company nearby.

By 3.30pm, the workers were ferried back in buses to Boon Lay MRT station.

CIEU Executive Secretary James Tan said: “We are glad that there were no casualties from the incident. The company worked well under the intense pressure, accounting for all headcount and ensuring that employees were evacuated safely.

“We will be working closely with the company to improve on the work-safety aspect at the workplace and to jointly devise a safety plan. Safety is something that cannot be compromised, and all workers deserve to return home safely to their loved ones after a day's work.”

Source: NTUC This Week