Happy to be here for 4th UPAGE QDC.
Making Tripartism Work
3 weeks ago many countries observed Labour Day with protests and demonstrations. This happens every year.
In Singapore, government leaders and employers joined us for May Day Rally.
Likewise, May Day Dinner was a demonstration of solidarity and close ties between unions, government and employers.
Why, because of Tripartism.
For tripartism to remain strong, we need (1) strong unions, strong employers and a strong government and (2) be able to work together.
Strong Union - Leadership Renewal and Development
Strong unions are led by effective leaders. But effective leaders do not live forever.
Of the 5 key appointment holders (ES, President, VP, GT and GS) when UPAGE was formed in 1995, only 1 (GS Nachiappan) remains. Several UPAGE leaders will reach the retirement age in the next few years.
Same challenge for LM leadership at NTUC & CC levels. Same for national leadership too.
Glad that UPAGE has put in place measures to bring in new leaders to continue to strengthen the union.
Stepping aside before 62 – Correct Policy
Firstly, UPAGE’s practice is for leaders to step aside before turning 62. They then help guide younger ones. It is a selfless act. I salute you.
At recent elections, three Exco members - Chan Fook Leong, Panjiawarnam & Yap Swee Bin – voluntarily made way at branch level for younger leaders to move up to the exco. Last year, Vice-President Michael Tan and General Treasurer Salleh gave way to become union consultants upon re- employment by SP.
Inducting Younger Leaders
Every new term sees 30% new faces at delegates and exco level. This has led to a good mix of fresh and experienced leaders.
Newer union officials can learn much from your senior colleagues who have done an excellent job in building up UPAGE – dare to do the right things, instead of try to be popular.
Likewise, senior leaders and management help nurture newer leaders – through training at the OTC Institute and exposure to negotiations and discussions.
PMEs & Inclusive Leadership – Step in the Right Direction
Besides leadership development, need to focus on membership growth too.
Nationally, about half of our workforce is made up of PMEs. I am glad that UPAGE amended its Constitution for PMEs to be eligible for Ordinary Branch delegates. This is a step in the right direction. Well done, UPAGE.
PMEs now form 13% of union delegates. As PMEs share of the leadership and membership grows, union and management will need to update the role of the union in representing the interests and concerns of PMEs.
Given the strong and positive union-management ties, I am hopeful that a win-win agreement can be reached.
Strong Union-Management Ties
The strong tie of UPAGE and the companies is a shining example for all to emulate. Not a single IR case has been referred to MOM for conciliation since UPAGE’s inception. Even for difficult cases, UPAGE leaders are able to work directly with the CEO to find solutions.
Another sign of the healthy relations is UPAGE’s ability to rally management support for NTUC programs over the years. UPAGE and companies contributed $100 000 in 2009 and $55 000 in 2010 to the U Care fund. SingaporePower sponsored the Tamil & Malay versions of the book produced by NTUC on the late Bro Nithiah Nandan.
I take this opportunity to thank UPAGE and management partners for your strong support for NTUC.
Strong ties cannot be taken for granted. Personal ties are forged over many years. With new leaders emerging on both sides, key is to build trust and confidence, show mutual respect, and an attitude of give and take as we strive for win-win outcomes.
Competitive Companies, Productive Workforce
Earlier this year, the ESC identified skills, productivity and innovation as the key thrust for Singapore’s continued growth. In the NTUC we call it being Cheaper Better Faster.
Individually, companies in the industry are pursuing their own action plans. Collectively, the industry has also come together to raise the skills and competence of the workforce with a common training framework to build new capabilities.
Launch of Energy Utilities WSQ – Benefiting 8000 Workers
It is therefore my pleasure to launch the Energy Utilities WSQ framework. More than 4500 workers from the Energy Utilities industry will benefit from this initiative. We also plan to expand the scope of the framework to benefit another 3500 workers from electrical trades. Altogether, the Energy Utilities WSQ framework will benefit 8000 workers. Employees in this industry are predominantly Singaporeans and mature workers with relatively long service (on average 10 or more years for the unionised companies).
Upgrading through the WSQ framework is a timely move to equip our workers with nationally benchmarked portable skills. The first group of workers is attending WSQ training at the SP Training Institute today.
It is a testimony of Singapore’s tripartism that the WSQ suggested by the union was readily embraced by companies and supported by the regulator and the WDA.
Congratulations to UPAGE, companies as well as EMA and WDA on this tripartite achievement. Together, we can sustain our economic growth – in an inclusive manner. Together, we can celebrate May Day in peace and harmony for many more years to come.