Model ID: f9371735-8c1e-4cc6-bc24-03780ed2d34e Sitecore Context Id: f9371735-8c1e-4cc6-bc24-03780ed2d34e;

Talking Points Of NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Seng Han Thong

MOU Signing Ceremony of NTA's "Drive And Save" Scheme, Singapore Conference Hall, 22 July 2010, 10.30am
Model ID: f9371735-8c1e-4cc6-bc24-03780ed2d34e Sitecore Context Id: f9371735-8c1e-4cc6-bc24-03780ed2d34e;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: f9371735-8c1e-4cc6-bc24-03780ed2d34e Sitecore Context Id: f9371735-8c1e-4cc6-bc24-03780ed2d34e;

Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Manpower

Mr Liew Heng San, Chief Executive of the CPF Board

Mr Wee Boon Kim, President of the National Taxi Association

Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentleman


1. First initiative since NTA formation

  • This is the first major initiative since formation of NTA to do together and do more.
  • Result of years of work so that taxi drivers can also enjoy having social safety net like other Singaporeans.


2. Symbiotic relationship between drivers and taxi companies

  • As self-employed individuals(自雇人士), taxi drivers need to take care of themselves. (自己顾自己)by contribute to their Medisave account regularly whether economy is good or bad.
  • With liberalisation, different taxi companies have different incentives to attract drivers. CPF is not part of the costs in the past.
  • Over the years, companies realise that they share a symbiotic relationship with the drivers and they treat drivers as their partners.
  • Now taxi companies also take care of us by co-contributing to Medisave and treat CPF as part of the operating costs.
  • This is a good practice and taxi companies have shown corporate social responsibility by doing so.
  • Thank all taxi companies for responding positively to NTA’s call to help drivers build social safety net.
  • This is a good start.
  • Heartened to note that ComfortDelgro has already set aside $2.8 Million for this purpose alone for the first year.
  • Tripartite effort - MOM and CPF administer the scheme.


3. Encourage more drivers to join the scheme

  • More and more drivers are realising the importance to save regularly for Medisave as majority of taxi drivers are already contributing regularly to their Medisave accounts.
  • Nevertheless, we want to encourage all drivers to do the same by joining the "Drive and Save" Scheme.
  • 天天驾、日日存Contribute regularly and save more.
  • With this new scheme, believe that taxi drivers will cultivate the good habit to regularly contribute to their Medisave to save for rainy days and take care of their families.