In a bid to attract and develop talent, as well as build a stronger Singaporean core in the logistics and supply chain sector, Supply Chain Asia (SCA) inked a tripartite MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with both NTUC and the Singapore Workforce Development Agency.
A second MOU also saw SCA join NTUC’s U Associate network as its 32nd partner. The ceremony on 19 May 2016 was held at the Harley Davidson Regional Distribution Centre in Jurong and witnessed by NTUC Secretary-General (SG) Chan Chun Sing.
Developing Tomorrow's Leaders
Besides a tripartite eff ort to promote manpower-lean practices and advance supply chain technologies, the tripartite agreement will also see SCA spearhead the two-month-long Young Logistics Leadership Programme this August to nurture and grow the skills of young professionals in the supply chain and logistics industry.
“There is tremendous potential for Singapore to be a test-bed to pioneer new and innovative logistics and supply concepts for urban solutions. The second thing to do is to leverage on our existing connections and position to make ourselves a supply chain and connectivity hub. Not just for Southeast Asia, but for the entire world.
“This is why today’s initiative is so important. Through this tripartite effort, we want to grow a new generation of supply chain professionals – people who understand the business deeply, but most importantly, people who understand the context we are living in and who are able to innovate and come up with new solutions for the cities for tomorrow,” highlighted SG Chan.