Model ID: b55669df-29f7-4aa1-83a7-212512adcd48 Sitecore Context Id: b55669df-29f7-4aa1-83a7-212512adcd48;

Street Poll on Low-Wage Workers

Let’s hear what some low-wage workers have to say about their bread-and-butter concerns
Model ID: b55669df-29f7-4aa1-83a7-212512adcd48 Sitecore Context Id: b55669df-29f7-4aa1-83a7-212512adcd48;
26 Jun 2015
Model ID: b55669df-29f7-4aa1-83a7-212512adcd48 Sitecore Context Id: b55669df-29f7-4aa1-83a7-212512adcd48;

By Shukry Rashid

Susheela Suppiah, 47, Customer Service Officer/Security Officer

“I started as a Security Officer and then the management promoted me to Customer Service Officer after a few months. I am currently paid the salary according to the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) for security officers. I would like to suggest that security officers get paid according to their years of experience as well. I feel it’s unfair for people like me who has been working here for seven years to be paid the same for someone who just entered the industry.”

Saravanan Maniam, 28, Security Supervisor

“I’ve heard of the Progressive Wage Model (for security officers) and that it will be enforced in September 2016. I feel that this PWM is a good thing and I wish they would have implemented this earlier. As security officers, at least we will get to feel appreciated for all our hard work of working 12 long hours a day. I will feel more motivated too with the increased starting salary.”

Junaina Subir, 33, Senior Conference Admin Cum Helpdesk

“I’ve attended some seminars organised by NTUC’s U Care Centre (UCC) as I’ve been thinking of upgrading myself. I have friends who have gone through upgrading courses like hospitality and sales and were promoted to Managers. I feel that we really have to keep upgrading. You can be a school dropout but you still need to upgrade yourself until you succeed. NTUC has also helped me a lot [like NTUC U Stretch and U Care Back to School vouchers]. I feel this is good for Singaporeans as not everyone is successful, so the lower-income workers can benefit from this.”

Fam Swee Chun, 62, Cleaner

“I’ve never heard of the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) but my company did send me to some courses. I would like to go for more courses but we are always busy with our current workload and there’s a shortage of manpower. I would also like it if I can be promoted after going through all of the courses, but that’s if we have the time to attend the courses. It won’t be easy after being promoted to a Cleaning Supervisor, but I think I can do it.”

Did You Know?

The U Care Centre (UCC) is set up by NTUC to support low-wage workers in Singapore. As a one-stop centre, UCC provides an array of services such as advice on employment rights, seminars on work-related issues, job referrals and training programme referrals.

If you require assistance or for more information, please visit UCC at Devan Nair Institute for Employment and Employability (e2i) Career Services Centre (Level 2), 80 Jurong East Street 21.

Alternatively, you can call their hotline at 1800 255 2828 or email to

Source: NTUC This Week
