Model ID: 50520538-83c6-4265-bacc-312e41275cb1 Sitecore Context Id: 50520538-83c6-4265-bacc-312e41275cb1;

Statement by Migrant Workers' Centre on the mandatory weekly rest day for foreign domestic workers

The Migrant Workers Centre has issued a statement in strong support of the new legislation to make it mandatory for employers to give their Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) a weekly rest day or compensation if they are unable to do so.
Model ID: 50520538-83c6-4265-bacc-312e41275cb1 Sitecore Context Id: 50520538-83c6-4265-bacc-312e41275cb1;
05 Mar 2012
Model ID: 50520538-83c6-4265-bacc-312e41275cb1 Sitecore Context Id: 50520538-83c6-4265-bacc-312e41275cb1;

The Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) lauds the legislative amendment introduced by the Ministry of Manpower to grant a rest day weekly for all foreign workers including foreign domestic workers (FDW). This move is in line with basic international labour standards and the new ILO Convention 189. We see the amendment as one that can only be positive for FDWs’ physical and psychological well-being.

MWC is also glad that the new measure takes into consideration the needs of employers who require the services of FDWs on their rest day, by allowing the FDWs to take their day off on an alternate day. It also offers flexibility to both employer and employee by allowing the former to pay the FDW salary in lieu should they continue to receive the FDW's services on her rest day. As for the FDW who chooses not to take her days off, the new move will also ensure that she is fairly compensated financially.
