Model ID: b5a52e8b-66d7-4bea-b007-920253d43f70 Sitecore Context Id: b5a52e8b-66d7-4bea-b007-920253d43f70;

Standing Tall for Fellow Workers!

SG Ng Chee Meng and Central Committee members drop by to cheer on the NTUC NDP marching contingent at a recent rehearsal. Plus: SG shares his marching tips!
Model ID: b5a52e8b-66d7-4bea-b007-920253d43f70 Sitecore Context Id: b5a52e8b-66d7-4bea-b007-920253d43f70;
By Ramesh Subbaraman 10 Jul 2018
Model ID: b5a52e8b-66d7-4bea-b007-920253d43f70 Sitecore Context Id: b5a52e8b-66d7-4bea-b007-920253d43f70;

It’s a 16 to 18-week journey from the time they begin their practice sessions to the National Day Parade (NDP) on 9 August 2018 at the Floating Platform.

And NTUC’s 42-strong NDP contingent has been busy perfecting their marching drills with their contingent commander Thuvinder Singh, general secretary of the Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES).

Their purpose? To hold the Labour Movement’s flag high and represent all collars of workers at Singapore’s 53rd birthday.

On 7 July 2018, they got cheered on with words of encouragement from none other than NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng and Central Committee members just before they headed off for the first national education show.

Soaking in the Spirit

He might have been the Chief of Defence Force perfecting the drills of many contingents at the National Day parade square a few years ago.

But this time round, SG Ng was all out with his Sisters and Brothers from the Labour Movement to liven up the spirits of the NTUC contingent, urging them to give their best.

“Chest out, stomach in, stand tall, and march proudly”, was his simple tip for the contingent as they marched out in front of thousands of school students who were watching the parade rehearsal as part of national education.

“Feel our Singapore when our school children cheer for you. Let them infuse into us why we are proud to be Singaporeans, and in turn, let us show the way for our younger generation what Singapore can bring and why they should be proud of being Singaporeans themselves,” said SG Ng.

“I am very proud of all the members of our NTUC contingent. They really lift up the spirit of our Labour Movement. You can see they really love Singapore and they are looking forward to serve Singapore in every other way,” added NTUC President Mary Liew.

Adding to the celebratory feel was the birthday cake and home-cooked food brought by participants for one and all to enjoy.

Read more about our interview with the NTUC NDP Contingent Commander, Thuvinder Singh here.